Error code: 40004 A host server couldn't be found for the replica virtual machine on the recovery cloud.
This error can occur for one of the below reasons.
When there is no compatible Hyper-V host with the supported Operating System (OS) server found on the recovery cloud.
No Hyper-V host with sufficient Compute and Storage is found on the recovery cloud.
Error message
A host server couldn't be found for the replica virtual machine on the recovery cloud. (Error code: 40004)
Error code
1. Ensure that both the sites have exact same OS for the host - either Windows server 2012 or Windows server 2012R2
Ensure that the recovery site has the required resources to create a replica VM - check the memory, network availability and storage space.
Ensure that at least one host is available under the cloud you are protecting to.
Whenever you get the WMI error, just refresh the host via the VMM server (don’t remove or add the host).