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Calculate Fractions in VB.NET


In this brief article, we'll see a simple method to convert the decimal part of a number into its fractional representation, developing a reusable class apt to that mean. To that end, we'll use Visual Basic .NET.

Calculate and simplify a fraction

To calculate a fraction, we must separate a number's integral part from the decimal one, to work on the latter to express it in terms of numerator and denominator. Let's take for example the number 12.65. We will first express it as 12 + 0.65, proceeding then in writing our decimal part as the largest non-simplified fraction. Since we have two decimals after the dot, the larger denominator we need is 100. So, we can express our 0.65 as 65/100. Then, using the common rules based on finding the GDC (Greatest Common Divisor), we can simplify our fraction, down to 13/20.

Finding the Greatest Common Divisor

Here follows an easy snippet of code to help to find the GDC between two numbers:

Private Function  gcd(ByVal  n1 As  Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer) As  Long
      Dim minimum As Long
      If n1 < n2 Then
          minimum = n1
          minimum = n2
      End If
      For i As Long  = minimum To  1 Step  -1
          If n1 Mod i = 0 And n2 Mod i = 0 Then
              Return i
          End If
End Function

Calculate a fraction

Here follows the routine that will calculate our fraction: it needs a decimal-type input parameter (as the 12.65 used above)

Public Function  Calculate(value As  Decimal) As String
        Dim intPart As Long  = Math.Truncate(value)
        Dim numerator As Long  = CType((value - intPart).ToString.Substring(2), Long)
        Dim denominator As Long  = CType("1" & StrDup(numerator.ToString.Length, "0"), Long)
        Dim _gcd As Long  = gcd(numerator, denominator)
        Dim nDiv As Long  = _gcd
        While nDiv > 1
            If numerator Mod nDiv = 0 And denominator Mod nDiv = 0 Then
                numerator /= nDiv
                denominator /= nDiv
                nDiv = _gcd
                nDiv -= 1
            End If
        End While
        Dim retVal As String  = ""
        If intPart > 0 Then retVal = intPart.ToString & " + ("
        retVal &= numerator.ToString + " / " + denominator.ToString
        If intPart > 0 Then retVal &= ")"
        Return retVal
End Function

The function will save an integral part of the number for later use, then proceeds in calculating the maximum denominator, by adding a number of zeros to equal the number of decimal places. A call to our previously written GCD routine will compute the Greatest Common Divisor between our numerator and denominator, entering a loop through which we proceed in dividing numerator and denominator for their common divisors until no common divisor is available.
At last, having determined the simplified numerator and denominator, the routine will produce their string representation, joining an integral part. So, for our previous example of value = 12.65, the output will be: 12 + (13/20).

As the reader can note, in case no integral part is present, the fraction will be expressed without parenthesis.

Fraction class

The complete source for a reusable class can be the following:

Public Class  Fraction
    Dim _value As Decimal
    Dim _fraction As String
    Public ReadOnly  Property Value As String
            Return _fraction
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Property  Number As  Decimal
            Return _value
        End Get
        Set(value As  Decimal)
            _value = value
            _fraction = Calculate(_value)
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Sub  New(value As Decimal)
        _value = value
        _fraction = Calculate(_value)
    End Sub
    Public Sub  New()
        _value = 0
        _fraction = 0
    End Sub
    Private Function  gcd(ByVal  n1 As  Integer, ByVal n2 As Integer) As  Long
        Dim minimum As Long
        If n1 < n2 Then
            minimum = n1
            minimum = n2
        End If
        For i As Long  = minimum To  1 Step  -1
            If n1 Mod i = 0 And n2 Mod i = 0 Then
                Return i
            End If
    End Function
    Public Function  Calculate(value As  Decimal) As String
        Dim intPart As Long  = Math.Truncate(value)
        Dim numerator As Long  = CType((value - intPart).ToString.Substring(2), Long)
        Dim denominator As Long  = CType("1" & StrDup(numerator.ToString.Length, "0"), Long)
        Dim _gcd As Long  = gcd(numerator, denominator)
        Dim nDiv As Long  = _gcd
        While nDiv > 1
            If numerator Mod nDiv = 0 And denominator Mod nDiv = 0 Then
                numerator /= nDiv
                denominator /= nDiv
                nDiv = _gcd
                nDiv -= 1
            End If
        End While
        Dim retVal As String  = ""
        If intPart > 0 Then retVal = intPart.ToString & " + ("
        retVal &= numerator.ToString + " / " + denominator.ToString
        If intPart > 0 Then retVal &= ")"
        Return retVal
    End Function
End Class

In the source code that comes with that article, we've implemented a simple WinForm, with a TextBox and some Labels, to show how the previous code works.

The code behind will be simple as this:

Public Class  Form1
    Dim f As New  Fraction
    Private Sub  Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  Button1.Click
        f.Number = CType(TextBox1.Text, Decimal)
        Label3.Text = f.Value
    End Sub
End Class

When the Button is clicked, the Number property of our Fraction class will be initialized with a cast towards a Decimal type of what is contained in TextBox1.
Next, the property Value (which will contain our fraction string) will be shown in Label3.

Source Code

The sample code for this article can be downloaded from this link:

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