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SharePoint 2013: Term Store Management Tool

Terms sets can be managed through Term Store Management tool in SharePoint 2013. Following are the key functionalities which can be performed through the tool.

  • Create or delete a term set.
  • Add, change, or delete terms.
  • Arrange managed terms in a term set into a hierarchy.
  • Define synonyms.
  • Import terms

Make enterprise keywords into managed terms by moving them into a term set.

In order to perform the above mentioned tasks, user must have permission on management tool i.e. administrator, Group Manager or contributor.

Term Store Management Tool can be accessed by going to Central Administration à Application Management à Manage Web Application à Managed Metadata Service application. Or

Got to your site collection à Site Settings à Term Store Management under the Site Administration section.

This will open the following screen.

In the left pan on the above screen, search allows user to search terms and keywords. To view specific to a language select the language from drop down under the Taxonomy Term store. In the tree view, a hierarchy of all the term sets and term are shown for selected managed metadata service. Multiple service application can be created to use in a single site collection. Term sets and terms are available in each site according to access rights defined in it. We will discuss creating terms sets and terms later.

Multiple user or user groups can be given rights to manage a Term store. Term store administrator can be defined in the service application default settings.