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SharePoint – Apply color to Calendar as per categories

I got an requirement to show different colors to SharePoint calendar for different user status like leave requests approved, Pending, Rejected, Delegated. Below is the flow of creation.

  1. Create categories to color:
  2. Create a calculated column <<TitleCalculated>> having formula: = Category&”$|$”&Title

3. Change the calendar view to show  <<TitleCalculated>> column

4. Now data will be displayed as below:

5. Add below code in content editor web part as bellows:

function ApplyColor() {
    var SEPARATOR = "$|$";
    var nodes, category;
    nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        if (nodes[i].innerText.indexOf(SEPARATOR) != -1) {
            var parts = nodes[i].innerText.split(SEPARATOR);
            if (parts[0]) {
                var color = GetCalendarColour(parts[0]);
                nodes[i] = color;
            if (parts[1]) {
                nodes[i].innerText = parts[1];
function GetCalendarColour(desc) {
    var colour;
    switch (desc.toLowerCase()) {
        case "approved":
            colour = "rgb(215,175,255)";
        case "pending":
            colour = "rgb(204,255,204)";
        case "delegated":
            colour = "rgb(255,204,153)";
        case "rejected":
            colour = "rgb(255,255,153)";
            colour = "";
    return colour;
window.setInterval(function () { 
}, 500);

6. Now, data will be displayed as per color: