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Useful SQL Queries in SCOM DB

Following are the useful SQL queries in SCOM Database.

Gives a list of all Groups:

select distinct DisplayName from vManagedEntity

inner join vRelationship on vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId=vRelationship.SourceManagedEntityRowId

inner join vRelationshipType on vRelationship.RelationshipTypeRowId=vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeRowId

inner join vRelationshipManagementGroup on vRelationshipManagementGroup.RelationshipRowId=vRelationship.RelationshipRowId

where (vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeSystemName='Microsoft.SystemCenter.ComputerGroupContainsComputer'

or vRelationshipType.RelationshipTypeSystemName like '%InstanceGroup%')

and vRelationshipManagementGroup.ToDateTime is null

order by DisplayName asc

Gives a list of all Management Packs:

select distinct mp.ManagementPackSystemName,ManagementPackDefaultName from vManagementPack mp

inner join vRule r on r.ManagementPackRowId=mp.ManagementPackRowId

inner join vPerformanceRule pr on pr.RuleRowId=r.RuleRowId


select '<ALL>','<ALL>'

Order by mp.ManagementPackDefaultName asc

Gives a list of all Rules:

select r.RuleDefaultName,r.RuleSystemName from vRule r

inner join vPerformanceRule pr on pr.RuleRowId=r.RuleRowId

order by r.RuleDefaultName asc

Gives top 20 alerts in an Operational Database, by Alert Count:

SELECT TOP 20 SUM(1) AS AlertCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name  

FROM Alertview WITH (NOLOCK)  

WHERE TimeRaised is not NULL  

GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name  


Gives top 20 alerts in an Operational Database, by Repeat Count:

SELECT TOP 20 SUM(RepeatCount+1) AS RepeatCount, AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name  

FROM Alertview WITH (NOLOCK)  

WHERE Timeraised is not NULL  

GROUP BY AlertStringName, AlertStringDescription, MonitoringRuleId, Name  

ORDER BY RepeatCount DESC 

Gives a list of most common events by event number:

SELECT top 50 EventDisplayNumber, COUNT(*) AS TotalEvents  

FROM Event.vEvent  

GROUP BY EventDisplayNumber