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PowerShell script to copy mobile phone number to telephone number in AD


This TechNet Wiki is based on the TechNet Forum Post - PowerShell Script to copy mobile phone number to telephone number


OP requested for a PowerShell script which updates Telephone Number with Mobile Number.

Code Used

Get-QADGroup "test1"| ForEach-Object{ Get-QADGroupMember$_.samaccountname}| select samaccountname,mobilephone | export-csvD:\test1.csv
Import-Csv "D:\test1.csv"| %{Get-QADUSer$_.Samaccountname | Set-QADUser-ObjectAttributes@{telephonenumber=$_.mobilephone}}


  • While exporting the attribute, we are not getting the proper telephone format in CSV which is "+919999XXX1111"
  • If telephone number attribute of a user is already filled, it does not update the attribute. It only updates the attribute if it is blank.


Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
Import-Csv "D:\test1.csv" | %{Set-ADUser -Identity $_.samaccountname -OfficePhone $_.mobilephone}


help Import-Module -Detailed

help Import-Csv -Detailed

help Set-ADUser -Detailed

help foreach -Detailed

help ForEach-Object -Detailed