Converting Multiple Rows into HTML Format single ROW - Using T-SQL
Today I came across a scenario that required to convert multiple rows from a sql table in to single string i.e. string separated through HTML tags. Task seemed to be difficult and lengthy but actually it was not. Here are the steps through which I converted multiple rows into single HTML string.
Problem Statement
I have a table with values:
and I need output from given table in this fromat, so that I can get all the details of student Neu,Alice for same date in single row but in html format i.e. Header with bold and details in new line.
Table Creation Script
Here is the table script used by me for this purpose:
USE [TestDataBase] GO -------------------- CREATES TABLE CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable]( [SrNo] [int] NULL, [FName] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [LName] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [R_Date] [date] NULL, [Header] [nvarchar](max) NULL, [Detail] [nvarchar](max) NULL ) --------------------INSERTS VALUES IN TABLE INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (1, N'Alice', N'Neu', CAST(0x0F390B00 AS Date), N'Books', N'practical books') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (1, N'Alice', N'Neu', CAST(0x0F390B00 AS Date), N'Books', N'book1 and drawing books') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (1, N'Alice', N'Neu', CAST(0x0F390B00 AS Date), N'Stationery', N'pencils and rubbers') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (2, N'Sara', N'Loren', CAST(0x0F390B00 AS Date), N'Books', N'practical copies') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (2, N'Sara', N'Loren', CAST(0x0E390B00 AS Date), N'Books', N'book1 and drawing books') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (2, N'Sara', N'Loren', CAST(0x0E390B00 AS Date), N'Stationery', N'pencils and rubbers') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (1, N'Alice', N'Neu', CAST(0x0E390B00 AS Date), N'Notes', N'None') GO INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([SrNo], [FName], [LName], [R_Date], [Header], [Detail]) VALUES (2, N'Sara', N'Loren', CAST(0x0F390B00 AS Date), N'Notes', N'Chemistry') GO
a. Below script converts rows to html string for single ID and Date:
USE [TestDataBase] GO DECLARE @VAR varchar(max); SET @VAR = '' SELECT @VAR = @VAR+ '<b>'+ header+ '</b><br>' + detail +'<br><br>' FROM [TestDataBase].[dbo].[TestTable] where Srno ='1' and [R_Date] ='2014-09-28' SELECT @VAR GO
Our main purpose has been achieved after step 2. We’ve got the HTML format string for Srno=’1′ and single date value, to get HTML strings for all unique SrNo & Date values we need to follow below step as well.
b. Create a cursor i.e. a loop just like in procedural languages. and repeat step 2 as:
DECLARE @VAR varchar(max), @ID int , @ddate date; DECLARE Cur Cursor FAST_FORWARD --- Cursor starts here FOR with cte as ( ---- common table expression select ROW_NUMBEr () over (partition by Srno ,[R_Date] order by Srno ,[R_Date] desc) cc, Srno ,[R_Date] from [TestDataBase].[dbo].[TestTable] ) select max(R_Date),max(srno) from cte group by srno ,R_Date OPEN Cur FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @ddate, @ID WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @VAR = '' SELECT @VAR = @VAR+ '<b>'+ header+ '</b><br>' + detail +'<br><br>' --- converts rows into html string FROM [TestDataBase].[dbo].[TestTable] where Srno =@ID and [R_Date] =@ddate SELECT @ID,@ddate,@VAR FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @ddate,@Id --- fetching next values of date & ID END CLOSE Cur DEALLOCATE Cur GO
c. If html string is required only for max date values, cte will be changed as below keeping remaining sql script same:
with cte as ( select ROW_NUMBEr () over (partition by Srno ,[R_Date] order by Srno ,[R_Date] desc) cc, Srno ,[R_Date] from [TestDataBase].[dbo].[TestTable] ) select max(R_Date),srno from cte group by srno ---- change occurs here GO
To verify the results, you may copy the generated string to a notepad and save it with .html extension. Open that file with your browser and you can view the results:
You can download the whole script from here