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SharePoint 2013: How to hide site contents


How to hide "Site Contents" option from settings in SharePoint 2013 for non-admin user. Sometimes it comes into picture for security purposes that the end user should not have the access to site contents option.


Step 1: Create a new custom permission level with "Add" and "View" permission only.

Step 2: Create a new custom SharePoint Group. Add users into this group as "Everyone except external users" or any particular username from which you want to hide the "Site Contents" option.

Step 3: Associate this newly created group with your custom permission level created in Step 1

Step 4: Find this: "MenuItem ViewAllSiteContents" text everywhere in your master page. Replace the text "ViewFormPages" with the text "EnumeratePermissions" within <SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate> tag. See the below example.

Step 5: Save the master page and get it tested by a non-admin user. You will see that the Site Contents option remains unavailable.


<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" id="MenuItem_ViewAllSiteContents"
 <!-- Please replace this "ViewFormPages" text by "EnumeratePermissions" text to hide the "Site Contents" option for non-admin users-->
PermissionMode="Any" />

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