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Azure Service Name Requirements

The requirements for Azure service names are somewhat varied.  Also, they generally don't appear to be documented anywhere besides the validation message displayed when the requirements are violated.  This is an attempt to consolidate service name requirements as a resource for defining naming conventions or building automation scripts.

Service Maximum Length Character Set Restrictions First/Last character restrictions Unique Within
Subscription  64 letters, numbers, and underscores None Account?
Resource Group  64 letters, numbers, and underscores Must begin with a letter Subscription
Hosting Plan  39 letters, numbers, and underscores None Subscription
Website Name  59 letters, numbers, and hyphens Must begin and end with a letter Azure
Web Job Name  29 letters, number, hyphens, spaces, and underscores None Website
Deployment Slot  59 letters, number, and hyphens Cannot end with a hyphen Website
Storage Account  24 lowercase letters None Azure
Alert Name  31 letters, numbers, commas, periods, and spaces None Service
Virtual Machine  15     Azure
SQL Database Server  63 lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens Cannot start or end with a hyphen Azure
SQL Database  128 all except: < > * % & : \ / ? Cannot end with a period SQL DB Server
SQL DB Firewall Rule1  128 all except: < > * % & : \ / ? Cannot end with a period
SQL DB Server
Redis Cache  63 letters, numbers, and hyphens Cannot start or end with a hyphen

1 This may apply to all firewall rules