Publish RDS Remoteapp Installed on a Network Share using PowerShell on Windows Server 2012
From Server Manager it´s not possible to publish an application from a Network shared folder,
But from Powershell you can do it, here is how:
New-RDRemoteApp -Alias "App Name" -CollectionName "Collection" -DisplayName "APP DisplayName" -FilePath "\server01\apps\app.exe" -ConnectionBroker connectionbroker.domain.local
-FilePath can also be a .cmd or .bat file, but then you also need to specify -IconPath as shown below:
New-RDRemoteApp -Alias "App Name" -CollectionName "Collection" -DisplayName "APP DisplayName" -FilePath "\server01\apps\app.bat" -ConnectionBroker connectionbroker.domain.local -IconPath "c:\app1\app.exe"