Windows Form Design at Run Time
Windows Form Design at Run Time will allow users to Design Form at Run Time, Save the Form ,Open and reuse the existing Form. User can add controls at Runtime from the Toolbar, Design there Form, Write there code for controls to perform some Action. Now for Example user can add a DataGridView and a Button Control at Run time ,In Code Part Text Box user can add there code to Bind data from Database to the Selected Data Grid .Everything was been at Runtime.
This Windows form Design at Runtime will be useful for ,
- Project Manager/System Analyst where they can design there for new project and hand over to Developer Programmer and Software Eng.
- Will be useful for Project Demo to Client. In some case Clients need's on spot Form design and sample output of form looks. In that case this Application will be very useful to design their form and show for demo with in a less time.
- Teaching and Training to new programmer or Developers, Trainer or teacher can explain about basic Windows form controls, Property of each controls and how to write simple code to the new programmers.
The Windows Form Design at Run Time software application was developed to design your own Form using panel Control to , add Label,Button,TextBox,ListBox,DataGridView,ListView,CheckBox and etc. The user can Add/Change the background Color/Image of Form(here we use the Panel). User can add items to ComboBox,TreeView,listView ,Textbox using the Property Window. The user can enter there own C# Code at textbox at buttom to run there code at Runtime for example ,Add a Button and in the Textbox add your code and click the Button to see the Runtime Button Click event.Here in this program i have add a simple MessageBox display while clicking the Button,I have a plan to extend this function to bind data from XML,Database Datagridview. using this Application User can bind data from DataTable,XML File and from SQL Data Source .This simple C# application allows the user to add:
- Create New Form
- Save Form as XML file.
- Open Form from XML file.
- Cut, Copy, and Paste all controls.
- Delete All Control.
- Delete Selected Control.
- Add/Change Back Color for Form(Here Panel used as Form).
- Add/Change BackGround Image for Form.
- Add Label Control and using Proerty window design your Label.
- Add Button Control and using Proerty window design your Button.
- Add CheckBox Control and using Proerty window design your CheckBox..
- Add Button Control and using Proerty window design your Button..
- Add ComboBox Control and using Proerty window design your ComboBox.
- Add DataGridView Control and using Proerty window design your DataGridView.
- Add DataTimePicker Control and using Proerty window design your DataTimePicker.
- Add ListBox Control and using Proerty window design your ListBox.
- Add ListView Control and using Proerty window design your ListView.
- Add NumericUpDown Control and using Proerty window design your NumericUpDown.
- Add PictureBox Control and using Proerty window design your PictureBox.
- Add RadioButton Control and using Proerty window design your RadioButton.
- Add TextBox Control and using Proerty window design your TextBox.
- Add TreeView Control and using Proerty window design your TreeView.
- Bind Data from as DataTable return to DataGridView,ListView,ComboBox and ListBox.
- Bind Data From XML Fileas DataTable return to DataGridView,ListView,ComboBox and ListBox.
- Bind Data From SQL Server Data base as DataTable return to DataGridView,ListView,ComboBox and ListBox.
This article i have been published in code project web site.You can download the source code from the below link