Available Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Plugin Messages
Originally Taken from: http://mileyja.blogspot.com/2011/04/available-microsoft-dynamics-crm-2011_11.html
Message Name | Primary Entity | Secondary Entity | Message Availability | Entity Supported Deployment |
AddItem | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
AddItem | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
AddListMembers | List | NULL | Server | Server |
AddMember | List | NULL | Server | Server |
AddMembers | Team | NULL | Server | Server |
AddPrivileges | Role | NULL | Server | Server |
AddProductToKit | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
AddRecurrence | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
AddToQueue | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Assign | Account | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Annotation | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Campaign | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | CampaignActivity | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | CampaignResponse | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Connection | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Contact | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Contract | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | NULL | Server | Server | |
Assign | Fax | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Goal | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Incident | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | IncidentResolution | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Invoice | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Lead | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Letter | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | List | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | new_customentity | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Opportunity | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | OpportunityClose | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | OrderClose | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | PhoneCall | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | ProcessSession | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Queue | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Quote | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | QuoteClose | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | SalesOrder | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | SharePointSite | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Task | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | Template | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | UserForm | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | UserQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
Assign | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Server | Server |
AssignUserRoles | Role | NULL | Server | Server |
Associate | NULL | NULL | Both | Both |
BackgroundSend | NULL | Both | Both | |
Book | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Book | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
Book | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Cancel | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
Cancel | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
CheckIncoming | NULL | Both | Both | |
CheckPromote | NULL | Both | Both | |
Clone | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
Close | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Close | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
CopyDynamicListToStatic | List | NULL | Server | Server |
CopySystemForm | SystemForm | NULL | Server | Server |
Create | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | ActivityMimeAttachment | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | BusinessUnit | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | BusinessUnitNewsArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Calendar | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Competitor | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | ContractTemplate | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | CustomerAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Discount | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | NULL | Both | Both | |
Create | Equipment | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | FieldPermission | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | FieldSecurityProfile | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Goal | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | InvoiceDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | KbArticleComment | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | KbArticleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | List | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Metric | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | OpportunityProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Product | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | ProductPriceLevel | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Queue | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | QuoteDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | RecurrenceRule | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Role | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | RollupField | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | SalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | SalesLiteratureItem | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | SalesOrderDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Service | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Site | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Subject | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | SystemUser | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Team | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | Territory | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | UoM | NULL | Both | Server |
Create | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
Create | WebResource | NULL | Both | Server |
CreateException | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
CreateInstance | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
Delete | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | ActivityMimeAttachment | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | BusinessUnit | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | BusinessUnitNewsArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Calendar | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Competitor | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Contract | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | ContractTemplate | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | CustomerAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Discount | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | NULL | Both | Both | |
Delete | Equipment | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | FieldPermission | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | FieldSecurityProfile | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Goal | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | InvoiceDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | KbArticleComment | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | KbArticleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | List | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Metric | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | OpportunityProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | ProductPriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Publisher | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | PublisherAddress | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Queue | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | QuoteDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | RecurrenceRule | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Role | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | RollupField | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | SalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | SalesLiteratureItem | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | SalesOrderDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Service | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Site | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Solution | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | Subject | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | Territory | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | UoM | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | UserForm | NULL | Both | Server |
Delete | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
Delete | WebResource | NULL | Both | Server |
DeleteOpenInstances | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
DeliverIncoming | NULL | Server | Server | |
DeliverPromote | NULL | Both | Both | |
DetachFromQueue | NULL | Both | Both | |
Disassociate | NULL | NULL | Both | Both |
Execute | NULL | NULL | Both | Both |
ExecuteById | SavedQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
ExecuteById | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Export | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ExportAll | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ExportCompressed | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ExportCompressedAll | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Account | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Annotation | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Campaign | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | CampaignActivity | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | CampaignResponse | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Connection | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Contact | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Contract | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | NULL | Server | Server | |
GrantAccess | Fax | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Goal | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Incident | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | IncidentResolution | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Invoice | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Lead | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Letter | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | List | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | new_customentity | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Opportunity | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | OpportunityClose | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | OrderClose | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | PhoneCall | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | ProcessSession | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Queue | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Quote | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | QuoteClose | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | SalesOrder | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | SharePointSite | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Task | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | Template | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | UserForm | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | UserQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
GrantAccess | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Server | Server |
Handle | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | NULL | Both | Both | |
Handle | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Handle | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Import | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ImportAll | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ImportCompressedAll | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ImportCompressedWithProgress | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
ImportWithProgress | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
LockInvoicePricing | Invoice | NULL | Server | Server |
LockSalesOrderPricing | SalesOrder | NULL | Server | Server |
Lose | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Merge | Account | NULL | Server | Server |
Merge | Contact | NULL | Server | Server |
Merge | Lead | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Account | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Annotation | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Campaign | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | CampaignActivity | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | CampaignResponse | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Connection | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Contact | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Contract | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | NULL | Server | Server | |
ModifyAccess | Fax | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Goal | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Incident | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | IncidentResolution | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Invoice | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Lead | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Letter | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | List | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | new_customentity | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Opportunity | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | OpportunityClose | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | OrderClose | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | PhoneCall | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | ProcessSession | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Queue | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Quote | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | QuoteClose | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | SalesOrder | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | SharePointSite | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Task | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | Template | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | UserForm | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | UserQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
ModifyAccess | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Server | Server |
Publish | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
PublishAll | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
QualifyLead | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
Recalculate | Goal | NULL | Server | Server |
RemoveItem | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
RemoveItem | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
RemoveMember | List | NULL | Server | Server |
RemoveMembers | Team | NULL | Server | Server |
RemovePrivilege | Role | NULL | Server | Server |
RemoveProductFromKit | NULL | NULL | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Invoice | Contact | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Lead | Account | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Lead | Contact | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Opportunity | Account | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Opportunity | Contact | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Opportunity | Competitor | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Product | Lead | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Product | Competitor | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | Quote | Contact | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | SalesLiterature | Competitor | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | SalesLiterature | Product | Both | Both |
RemoveRelated | SalesOrder | Contact | Both | Both |
RemoveUserRoles | Role | NULL | Server | Server |
ReplacePrivileges | Role | NULL | Server | Server |
Reschedule | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Reschedule | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
Reschedule | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
Retrieve | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ActivityMimeAttachment | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ActivityPointer | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | BusinessUnitNewsArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Calendar | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Competitor | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ContractTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | CustomerAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Dependency | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | Discount | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | NULL | Both | Both | |
Retrieve | Equipment | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Goal | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | InvalidDependency | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | InvoiceDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | KbArticleComment | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | KbArticleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | LeadAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | List | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Metric | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | OpportunityProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ProductPriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Publisher | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | PublisherAddress | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | QuoteDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | RollupField | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SalesLiteratureItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SalesOrderDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SavedQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SavedQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Service | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Server |
Retrieve | Site | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Solution | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | SolutionComponent | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Subject | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Team | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | Territory | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | UoM | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | UserForm | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
Retrieve | WebResource | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveExchangeRate | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveFilteredForms | SystemForm | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | AccountLeads | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ActivityMimeAttachment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ActivityParty | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ActivityPointer | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ApplicationFile | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Attachment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | BusinessUnitMap | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | BusinessUnitNewsArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Calendar | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CampaignActivityItem | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CampaignItem | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ClientUpdate | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Commitment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Competitor | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CompetitorAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CompetitorProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CompetitorSalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ConnectionRoleAssociation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContactInvoices | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContactLeads | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContactOrders | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContactQuotes | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ContractTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CustomerAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Dependency | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | DependencyNode | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Discount | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | DisplayStringMap | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | DocumentIndex | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | NULL | Both | Both | |
RetrieveMultiple | EmailHash | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | EmailSearch | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Equipment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | FilterTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Goal | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | InternalAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | InterProcessLock | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | InvalidDependency | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | InvoiceDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | KbArticleComment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | KbArticleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | LeadAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | LeadCompetitors | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | LeadProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | License | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | List | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ListMember | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Metric | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | Notification | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | OpportunityCompetitors | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | OpportunityProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | OrganizationStatistic | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Owner | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | PrincipalObjectAccess | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ProductAssociation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ProductPriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ProductSalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ProductSubstitute | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Publisher | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | PublisherAddress | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | QuoteDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RecurrenceRule | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ResourceGroupExpansion | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RolePrivileges | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RoleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RoleTemplatePrivileges | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | RollupField | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SalesLiteratureItem | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SalesOrderDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SalesProcessInstance | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SavedQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SavedQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Service | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | ServiceContractContacts | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | Site | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Solution | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SolutionComponent | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | StatusMap | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | StringMap | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Subject | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SystemUserLicenses | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SystemUserPrincipals | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | SystemUserProfiles | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | SystemUserRoles | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Team | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | TeamMembership | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | TeamProfiles | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveMultiple | TeamRoles | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | Territory | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UnresolvedAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UoM | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserEntityInstanceData | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserFiscalCalendar | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserForm | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | UserSettings | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveMultiple | WebResource | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | NULL | Both | Both | |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Goal | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | List | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | UserForm | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrievePrincipalAccess | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | NULL | Both | Both | |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Goal | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | List | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | UserForm | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
RetrieveUnpublished | WebResource | NULL | Server | Server |
RetrieveUnpublishedMultiple | WebResource | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Account | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Annotation | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Appointment | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Campaign | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | CampaignActivity | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | CampaignResponse | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Connection | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Contact | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Contract | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | NULL | Server | Server | |
RevokeAccess | Fax | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Goal | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Incident | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | IncidentResolution | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Invoice | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Lead | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Letter | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | List | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | new_customentity | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Opportunity | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | OpportunityClose | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | OrderClose | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | PhoneCall | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | ProcessSession | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Queue | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Quote | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | QuoteClose | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | SalesOrder | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | SharePointSite | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Task | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | Template | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | UserForm | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | UserQuery | NULL | Server | Server |
RevokeAccess | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Server | Server |
Route | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | NULL | Both | Both | |
Route | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Route | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Send | NULL | Both | Both | |
Send | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Send | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
SendFromTemplate | NULL | Server | Server | |
SetRelated | Invoice | Contact | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Lead | Account | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Lead | Contact | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Opportunity | Account | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Opportunity | Contact | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Opportunity | Competitor | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Product | Lead | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Product | Competitor | Both | Both |
SetRelated | Quote | Contact | Both | Both |
SetRelated | SalesLiterature | Competitor | Both | Both |
SetRelated | SalesLiterature | Product | Both | Both |
SetRelated | SalesOrder | Contact | Both | Both |
SetState | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | BusinessUnit | NULL | Both | Server |
SetState | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | NULL | Both | Both | |
SetState | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | List | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
SetState | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | SystemUser | NULL | Both | Server |
SetState | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
SetState | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Server |
SetState | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | BusinessUnit | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | NULL | Both | Both | |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Goal | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | List | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Metric | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Queue | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | SavedQuery | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | SystemUser | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Server |
SetStateDynamicEntity | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
SetStateDynamicEntity | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
TriggerServiceEndpointCheck | ServiceEndpoint | NULL | Server | Server |
UnlockInvoicePricing | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
UnlockSalesOrderPricing | NULL | NULL | Server | Server |
Update | Account | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | ActivityMimeAttachment | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Annotation | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Appointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | BusinessUnit | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | BusinessUnitNewsArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Calendar | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Campaign | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | CampaignActivity | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | CampaignResponse | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Competitor | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Connection | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | ConnectionRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Contact | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Contract | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | ContractDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | ContractTemplate | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | CustomerAddress | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | CustomerOpportunityRole | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | CustomerRelationship | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Discount | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | DiscountType | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | NULL | Both | Both | |
Update | Equipment | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Fax | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | FieldPermission | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | FieldSecurityProfile | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Goal | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | GoalRollupQuery | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Incident | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | IncidentResolution | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Invoice | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | InvoiceDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | KbArticle | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | KbArticleComment | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | KbArticleTemplate | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Lead | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Letter | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | List | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Metric | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | new_customentity | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | OpportunityClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | OpportunityProduct | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | OrderClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Organization | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | PhoneCall | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | PriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | ProcessSession | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Product | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | ProductPriceLevel | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Queue | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | QueueItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | QuoteClose | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | QuoteDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | RecurrenceRule | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | RecurringAppointmentMaster | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Role | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | RollupField | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | SalesLiterature | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | SalesLiteratureItem | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | SalesOrder | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | SalesOrderDetail | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Service | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | ServiceAppointment | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | SharePointDocumentLocation | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | SharePointSite | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Site | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Subject | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | SystemUser | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Task | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Team | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | Template | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | Territory | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | TransactionCurrency | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | UoM | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | UoMSchedule | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | UserForm | NULL | Both | Server |
Update | UserQuery | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | UserQueryVisualization | NULL | Both | Both |
Update | WebResource | NULL | Both | Server |
ValidateRecurrenceRule | RecurrenceRule | NULL | Both | Both |
Win | Opportunity | NULL | Both | Both |
Win | Quote | NULL | Both | Both |
The Message Availability and Entity Supported Deployment columns indicate if the message or entity are supported on just the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, or on both the server and Outlook client. |