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Event ID: 20000 on Management server

Here is the cause and resolution for Event: 20000 in MS/GW servers and same solution applicable for event: 20070/20071 which are compelling at agent side.


  • Open event 20000 on MS server and get the agent name from event which is trying to communicate to MS.

  • Open OpsMgr powershell on respective MS and type “Get-SCOMPendingManagement”. This command show the agent names which are trying install/upgrade SCOM agent using SDK.

  • If the command prints any agents, try to find agent name which your trying onboard to SCOM, if you find the server name then reject the process using this command “get-scompendingmanagement | where {$_.agentpendingactiontype -like "AgentName*"}| Deny-SCOMPendingManagement ”

  • If the command “Get-SCOMPendingManagement” gives 0 output, Login in to the server which is showing in event: 20000 and search for 20070 and 20071. If you find the event execute below SQL query against respective MG OpsDB.

    Select * from [dbo].[MTV_Computer]

    Where DisplayName like '%Server name'


    Out from result copy “Basedmangeentity” GUID ID and use below query with result GUID ID.


    Select * from dbo.[BasemanagedEntity]

    where  BaseManagedEntityId = '526E094D-AE0B-60DE-4110-2FCF62DCF715'

  • Execute both queries same time on OpsDB and look for both SQL queries are resulting same display name of agent which your trying to remediate.

  • If the display Name and GUID of server are same on both tables use below query and set “IS Delete=1”

    UPDATE dbo.[BasemanagedEntity] SET IsDeleted = 1 where  BaseManagedEntityId = '526E094D-AE0B-60DE-4110-2FCF62DCF715'

  • After the query is executed run the below powershell CMDLET.



  • CMDLET take 20-30 mins based on the MG load.


Note: Incase if the agent is showing in SCOM console and still unable to communicate with MS, please don’t follow the above procedure and never use\execute update query.