SCOM DWH performance collection Issue -- error with event ID 31553
i have encountered an issue with performance collection inserting in to SCOM DWH. i see the event ID 31553 flooding in OpsMgr log with below errors. im still trying to find the exact cause for the error. however, i have fix the mentioned issue.
i suspect that this behavior occurs when the servers are moved to different domain/change n IP address and this information could not updated in DB.
Note: Please make sure you take the latest back of OpsDB and OpsDWH.
**Steps1:**execute following query:
--Get Duplicate Keys in ME Stage from DWH
select * from ManagedEntityStage mes
inner join ManagedEntity me on mes.ManagedEntityGuid = me.ManagedEntityGuid
inner join ManagedEntityProperty mep on me.ManagedEntityRowId = mep.ManagedEntityRowId
where mep.FromDateTime = mes.ChangeDateTime
order by mep.ManagedEntityRowId
Note: when i executed the query i got approx. 10000+ records.
**Steps2: ** Execute following query to delete the records.
--If duplicate keys exists use below query to delete the keys.
delete mes
from ManagedEntityStage mes
inner join ManagedEntity me on mes.ManagedEntityGuid = me.ManagedEntityGuid
inner join ManagedEntityProperty mep on me.ManagedEntityRowId = mep.ManagedEntityRowId
where mep.FromDateTime = mes.ChangeDateTime
Other Language
Wiki : Problème sur la collection performance DWH SCOM -- erreur avec évènement ID 31553