Force Update LYNC Client Address Book using PowerShell
- Outlook 2010.
- Lync Client 2010.
- Exchange Online.
- LYNC 2010 On Premises.
End user reporting an issue that LYNC lost connectivity with Exchange server. Red exclamation mark on LYNC client. Unable to see pictures in LYNC but it appears in Outlook.
Issue Screen Shot
- Download and update your Outlook address book.
- Exit LYNC
- Delete the SIP folder
- Reopen LYNC
help Stop-Process -Examples help Remove-Item -Examples |
<# .SYNOPSIS Update-LyncClientAddressBook will force the LYNC client to update address book. .DESCRIPTION This function will terminate the LYNC client and removes the SIP folder. Restarts the LYNC client and updates the address book. Before executing this on client machine please inform that search will be affected for approximately 15 minutes .NOTES Either use executables or PowerShell script on client machines This can be used when LYNC and Outlook lost the synchronization. .LINK help Stop-Process .LINK help Remove-Item .LINK help Start-Process #> function Update-LyncClientAddressBook { begin { Write-Host 'Force LYNC client to update address book...' -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' } process { Stop-Process -Name communicator -Force -Verbose Write-Host 'LYNC Client Terminated Successfully...Please wait' -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' Start-Sleep 5 $sip = Get-Item C:\Users\$ENV:UserName\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\* -Filter 'sip_*' Remove-Item $sip.FullName -Recurse -Verbose Write-Host 'Removed the SIP Folder to update the Address Book...Please Wait' -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' Start-Sleep 5 Start-Process Communicator.exe -Verbose } end { Write-Host 'People and Skill search will not work for next 15 min..' -ForegroundColor 'Yellow' } } Update-LyncClientAddressBook |