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SharePoint Troubleshooting: delay activity (workflow) not working


As we all know, the timer job plays a vital role in firing the activities in SharePoint. Timer jobs are responsible for the upgrades, backups and the alerts….


SharePoint delay activity (workflow) is not working.


To get rid of the error, we need to check and follow the below steps:

  1. Ensure that the ‘SharePoint Timer Service” is started.

  2. Set the proper value 'job-workflow' as mentioned.

  3.  To check if the property is set or not run the below.

    stsadm -o getproperty -pn job-workflow -url http://expertsharepoint:1000
  4.  if you get <Property Exist="No" /> then set it by the following command:

    stsadm -o setproperty -pn job-workflow -pv "Every 5 minutes between 0 and 59"  -url http://expertsharepoint:1000
  5.  Ensure to do IISreset and restart the SharePoint 2010 Timer service also.

See more at:

Note:If you find a different solution, please report it as a comment to this post. This will be useful to the SharePoint Community. Be sure to double-verify it: undo your solution and verify that the problem comes back, then redo it and verify that the problem goes away.

See Also

  1. SharePoint Resources on the TechNet Wiki
  2. SharePoint 2013 Portal