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SharePoint 2013: Changing of the logo

Sometimes, As per the requirement by the customer we need to change the Logo, favicon Image, Site Image. In this article I am providing the steps how to achieve them.

To change the Header image on your SharePoint Site:

  1. Login to your SharePoint Site
  2. On the right, click the gear icon and then click Site Settings
  3. Under Look and Feel click Title, Description, and Logo
  4. Under Insert Logo, place the URL of your logo and click OK

Note: You may need to upload your image to a library before doing this

To change Site Image for your SharePoint Site:

  1. Login to your SharePoint Site
  2. On the top right, click Edit (you should enter Edit mode)
  3. Click the Image you wish to replace, (or alternately add)
  4. Click the Image tab at the top of the screen
  5. In the Address field, type the URL of the image

Now you have put your logo onto your site and replaced or added the images you wanted.

To change Favicon Image for your SharePoint Site:

  1. Login to your Web Front End SharePoint Server
  2. Upload an image to a file location and remember the location
  3. Open the site in SharePoint Designer
  4. Locate your masterpage.html file and click Edit, (you may also need to switch to code view)
  5. Find the following line and update the highlighted section to the location of the new image

You will need to “publish a major version” after making this change.

Note: I resolved the issue by above Method. If you find a different solution, please report it as a comment to this post. This will be useful to SharePoint Community. Be sure to double-verify it: undo your solution and verify that the problem comes back, then redo it and verify that the problem goes away. ****

See Also

  1. SharePoint Resources on the TechNet Wiki
  2. SharePoint 2013 Portal
  3. SharePoint 2013 - Service Applications
  4. SharePoint 2013 - Resources for Developers