How to uninstall or remove SCCM client
In some situations, you may need to uninstall or remove SCCM client from a managed device. This could be done using multiple methods that are described in this Wiki article.
Method 1: Uninstallation using CCMSetup.exe
You can proceed like the following:
- Open CMD and go to the location where CCMSetup.exe resides on the managed device then run CCMSetup.exe /uninstall command
Method 2: Uninstallation using client.msi
You can proceed like the following:
- Open CMD and go to the same location described in Method 1. Once done, go under the folder using {ID} as naming format ({181D79D7-1115-4D96-8E9B-5833DF92FBB4} for SCCM 2012 clients and {6A438387-0FF9-4620-947E-39470FB1E2E5} for SCCM 2007 ones) and run msiexec /x client.msi
Method 3: Removal using ccmclean.exe
Ccmclean.exe is tool part of SMS 2003 toolkit ( and can be used for the removal of the client. All you need to do are:
- Download the tool. You can get it directly from here:
- Run the tool and click OK once it finishes
Method 4: Manual removal
This is described in the following blog article:
Manual removal of the SCCM client:
IMPORTANT! The Official Microsoft references are referring to the Method 1 as the supported method for the uninstallation or removal of SCCM client.