The Security Token Service is not available. The Security Token Service is not issuing tokens. The service could be malfunctioning or in a bad state
The Security Token Service is not available. The Security Token Service is not issuing tokens. The service could be malfunctioning or in a bad state.
An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: Could not connect to http://localhost:2843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
The Managed Metadata Service '' is inaccessible.
Go to InetMgr (IIS Manager)
- Start the "SharePoint Web Services" site
- Start the "SharePoint Web Services Root" application pool
- Do an IIS reset
Note: Resolved the issue by above method. If you find a different solution, please report it as a comment on this post. This will be useful to the SharePoint Community. Be sure to double-verify it: undo your solution and verify that the problem comes back, then redo it and verify that the problem goes away.