Fail over to the selected recovery point for virtual machine: General access denied error
Error message
VMM cannot complete the host operation on the server because of the error: Hyper-V failed to fail over to the selected recovery point for 'sharepoint-vm1': General access denied error. Try a more recent recovery point. (0x80070005). (Virtual machine ID XXXXXXX-DCEE-XXXX-XXXX-1DC00586XXXX) Replication operation for virtual machine ' sharepoint-vm1' failed: General access denied error (0x80070005). (Virtual machine ID 590D394F-DCEE-45BD-8187-1DC00586DA00) (Primary server: '', Replica server: '') Resolve the host issue and then try the operation again.
Error Code
Service error: 20013 Provider error: 12700
Failover on the replica virtual machine couldn't be initiated due to access issues. Check that no other operation is running on the replica virtual machine already.