PowerShell Tip: Creating New AD User
This TechNet Wiki is about the below Forum Post New-ADUser : The name provided is not a properly formed account name
Code Used
param ($csvFileLocation, $organizationUnit, $defaultPassword, $fqdn) $csvFile = Import-Csv $csvFileLocation function Create-UserName($givenName, $surName) { $firstPartInUserName = $givenName.Trim() $lastPartInUserName = $surName.Trim() return [string]::Format("{0}.{1}", $firstPartInUserName, $surName) } function Get-GivenName($displayName) { $firstNamePart = $displayName.Split('.')[0] return $firstNamePart.SubString(0, $firstNamePart.Length - 1).Trim() } function Get-Initials($displayName) { $indexOfDot = $displayName.IndexOf('.') return $displayName } function Get-LastName($displayName) { return $displayName.Split('.')[1].Trim() } foreach ($row in $csvFile) { $surName = $(Get-Lastname -displayName $row.displayName) $givenName = $(Get-GivenName -displayName $row.displayName) $userName = $(Create-UserName -givenName $($givenName.Trim().Replace(' ', '')) -surName $($surName.Replace(' ', ''))) New-ADUser -SamAccountName $userName ` -UserPrincipalName $([string]::Format("{0}@{1}", $userName, $fqdn)) -DisplayName $row.displayName -Name $([string]::Format("{0} {1}", $givenName, $surName)) ` -Surname $surName -GivenName $givenName -Initials ` -Department $row.department -Title $row.title -Path $organizationUnit ` -AccountPassword $(ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $defaultPassword -Force) ` -OfficePhone $row.officePhone -HomePhone $row.homePhone -MobilePhone $row.mobilePhone -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true ` -Enabled $true } |
New-ADUser : The name provided is not a properly formed account name
Active Directory Will not the below characters and account name should not be more than 20 characters. It should be unique
" [ ] : ; | = + * ? < > / \ , |
function Create-UserName($givenName, $surName) { $firstPartInUserName = $givenName.Trim() $lastPartInUserName = $surName.Trim() $returnValue = [string]::Format("{0}.{1}", $firstPartInUserName, $surName) if ($returnValue.Length -ge 20) { return $returnValue.Substring(0, 20) } else { return $returnValue } } |
Thanks to Richard Mueller and Mike