BizTalk Server: Custom Archiving
Archiving messages can be an interesting challenge with BizTalk. BizTalk provides out-of the box features that can aid in having a zero cost, self service solution. However, requirements can divert you to have a different solution for archiving messages. For instance testers of your solution may like to have messages available instantly, or the retention of the messages has to be weeks or months instead of days. This article will discuss custom archiving for BizTalk messages combined with some code to illustrate archiving messages through a pipeline component.
The archiving process for receiving messages
As soon as a message reaches BizTalk it can go through one of the default pipelines (XMLReceive, PassThruReceive) and a message context is added to incoming message.
Picture 1. Message context BizTalk message.
The XMLReceive pipeline has a XmlDisassembler pipeline component on the disassembling stage.
**Picture 2. ** Receive Port BizTalk Server.
Whenever an Xml message is received via the XmlReceive pipeline the XmlDisassembler will do the following tasks:
- Promote the "MessageType" context property by taking the combination of TargetNamespace and Root Element in the format of: Targetnamespace#RootElement. So one of context properties BizTalk will set (promote) is the MessageType.
Name: MessageType - Namespace: - <targetnamespace>#<rootelement>
- Remove Envelopes and disassemble the interchanges
- Promote the content properties from interchange and individual document into the message context based on the configured distinguished fields and promoted properties.
I will discuss here a custom disassembler pipeline component that will promote the “MessageType” context property and archive the message context and body to file. It will not perform the other two default actions by XmlDisassembler pipeline component.
The pipeline component is targeted for the disassembler stage of the receive pipeline. The component category is CATID_DisassemblingParser will be set above the class amongst other attributes. Since the component is targeted at the disassembling stage the IDisassemblerComponent needs to be implemented. This interface has two methods, Disassemble and GetNext. In the Disassemble method you will find the implementation for archiving the received message.
/// /// Implements IDisassemblerComponent.Disassemble method. /// /// Pipeline context /// Input message. /// Message /// /// IComponent.Execute method is used to initiate /// the processing of the message in pipeline component. /// public void Disassemble(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg) { //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("1. Pipeline Disassemble Stage"); //Create XmlDocument object XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //Create a copy of the message IBaseMessage archiveMessage = pInMsg; //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("2. Call GetMessagePayLoad()"); //Get Message PayLoad xmlDoc = GetMessagePayLoad(archiveMessage); //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("3. Message PayLoad :" + xmlDoc.OuterXml); // Promote MessageType in order to the Biztalk to have a unique key for evaluating the subscription archiveMessage.Context.Promote("MessageType", "", xmlDoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI + "#" + xmlDoc.DocumentElement.LocalName.ToString()); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("4. Call ReadContextProperties"); //Get the context properties and assign them to contextProperties archiveMessage string contextProperties = ReadContextProperties(archiveMessage); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("5. Context Properties: " + contextProperties); //Get the message content (BodyPart) string messageBody = xmlDoc.OuterXml; //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("6. Message Body: " + messageBody); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("7. Write to output file"); //Write output using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(_ArchiveLocation + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_Message" + ".txt")) { //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("8. File Location :" + _ArchiveLocation); outfile.Write(contextProperties + " " + Environment.NewLine + messageBody); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("9. Write to output file"); } //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("10. Pipeline Disassemble Stage Exit"); //Return orginal message IBaseMessage outMessage; outMessage = pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage(); outMessage.AddPart("Body", pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart(), true); IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = pInMsg.BodyPart; Stream originalStream = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream(); originalStream.Position = 0; outMessage.BodyPart.Data = originalStream; outMessage.Context = PipelineUtil.CloneMessageContext(pInMsg.Context); _qOutMessages.Enqueue(outMessage); //Return orginal message to queue _qOutMessages.Enqueue(outMessage); } /// /// Default method /// /// Context /// null public IBaseMessage GetNext(IPipelineContext pContext) { if (_qOutMessages.Count > 0) { IBaseMessage msg = (IBaseMessage)_qOutMessages.Dequeue(); return msg; } else return null; } /// /// Read the context properties of the message /// /// IBaseMessage archiveMessage /// string containing all context properties private string ReadContextProperties(IBaseMessage archiveMessage) { string name; string nmspace; string contextItems = ""; for (int x = 0; x < archiveMessage.Context.CountProperties; x++) { archiveMessage.Context.ReadAt(x, out name, out nmspace); string value = archiveMessage.Context.Read(name, nmspace).ToString(); contextItems += "Name: " + name + " - " + "Namespace: " + nmspace + " - " + value + "\r\n"; } return contextItems; } /// /// Method extract message into XMLDocument /// /// IBaseMessage /// XML Document private XmlDocument GetMessagePayLoad(IBaseMessage archiveMessage) { IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = archiveMessage.BodyPart; Stream originalStream = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream(); XmlDocument XMlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XMlDoc.Load(originalStream); return XMlDoc; }
Note than in the code above that the XmlDocument within pipeline component. The code here is just an illustration to show how archive a message to file system.
If you need to read the inbound message inside a pipeline component, avoid loading the entire document into memory using an XmlDocument object, see MSDN
Optimizing Pipeline Performance. This solution shows writing archived messages to file, yet you can also choose to store them in a database or send the archived messages to a queue where they are picked up to be stored elsewhere. In the end you have to decide where you want your archived messages stored, for how long (retention) and possibly how to retrieve them if you want to look up a certain archived message later on. The latter will be rather difficult when having archived messages on file.
The archiving process for sending messages
At send side a similar process can be performed to archive the message that is send by BizTalk to another system, application or service. Normally when a message is send by BizTalk, one of the default pipelines (XMLSend, PassThruSend) is used. With the XmlSend pipeline the reverse of what in a XmlReceive pipeline happens. The XMLSend has a XmlAssembler component in the Assemble stage. Whenever an Xml message is send via the XMLSend pipeline the XmlAssembler will do the following tasks:
- XML Assembler Builds envelopes as needed and appends XML messages within the envelope.
- Populates content properties on the message instance and envelopes.
The custom assembler component will neither of these, it will only archive the message to file. Pipeline component is targeted for assembler stage of the send pipeline. The component category is CATID_AssemblingParser will be set above the class amongst other attributes.
Since the component is targeted assembling stage the IAssemblerComponent needs to be implemented. This interface has two methods, Assemble and AddDocument. In the AddDocument method you will find the implementation for archiving the send message.
/// /// Implements IAssemblerComponent.Assemble method. /// /// Pipeline context /// Message /// /// IComponent.Assemble method is used to /// public IBaseMessage Assemble(IPipelineContext pipelineContext) { if (_qOutMessages.Count > 0) { IBaseMessage msg = (IBaseMessage)_qOutMessages.Dequeue(); return msg; } else return null; } /// /// IAssembler.AddDocument Method /// /// Pipeline context /// Message send out public void AddDocument(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg) { //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("1. Pipeline Assemble Stage"); //Create XmlDocument object XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //Create a copy of the message IBaseMessage archiveMessage = pInMsg; //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("2. Call GetMessagePayLoad()"); //Get Message PayLoad xmlDoc = GetMessagePayLoad(archiveMessage); //Trace System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("3. Message PayLoad :" + xmlDoc.OuterXml); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("4. Call ReadContextProperties"); //Get the context properties and assign them to contextProperties archiveMessage string contextProperties = ReadContextProperties(archiveMessage); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("5. Context Properties: " + contextProperties); //Get the message content (BodyPart) string messageBody = xmlDoc.OuterXml; //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("6. Message Body: " + messageBody); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("7. Write to output file"); //Write output using (StreamWriter outfile = new StreamWriter(_ArchiveLocation + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "_Message" + ".txt")) { //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("8. File Location :" + _ArchiveLocation); outfile.Write(contextProperties + " " + Environment.NewLine + messageBody); //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("9. Write to output file"); } //Debug System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("10. Pipeline Disassemble Stage Exit"); //Return orginal message IBaseMessage outMessage; outMessage = pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage(); outMessage.AddPart ("Body", pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart(), true); IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = pInMsg.BodyPart; Stream originalStream = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream(); originalStream.Position = 0; outMessage.BodyPart.Data = originalStream; outMessage.Context = PipelineUtil.CloneMessageContext(pInMsg.Context); _qOutMessages.Enqueue(outMessage); }
Considerations for developing a custom archiving solution
Before you consider developing your own BizTalk archiving solution you should consider the following :
- Buy versus build
- BizTalk Tracking for Archiving
- Retention of messages
Buy versus Build
A solution as described in this article may take a couple hours to develop and test. To add more functionality would mean more development work. Therefore, a custom solution can bring a tremendous amount of flexibility and power. However, it will also cost a fair amount of time to develop and some more time to maintain it (i.e. changes). An alternative can be buying one of the off-shelve products or solutions for archiving BizTalk messages.
BizTalk Tracking for Archiving
BizTalk offers tracking capabilities, which can be used to archive messages for a short period of time. Basically BizTalk tracking is created in such a way that you can use tracking for troubleshooting purposes not really for archiving. You can use tracking for archiving purposes, but then you need to be aware of the fact that you have to configure the tracking and purging BizTalk database job correctly and move your tracking data! Why the job is so important is clearly explained in MSDN Archiving and purging the BizTalk Tracking Database:
As BizTalk Server processes more and more data on your system, the BizTalk Tracking (BizTalkDTADb) database continues to grow in size. Unchecked growth decreases system performance and may generate errors in the Tracking Data Decode Service (TDDS). In addition to general tracking data, tracked messages can also accumulate in the MessageBox database, causing poor disk performance….
By placing the backups somewhere else you can later on extract tracked messages from it. Tracked messages are compressed in a BizTalk tracking database and you can extract these programmatically. Thiago Almeida has written a post on how doing that. So again, you need a custom solution to view the message body and its context.
Retention of Messages
You can use BizTalk tracking for archiving purposes, yet you need to offload the data from time to time to another another database. Retention on BizTalk databases is limited, because of the growth of data that eventually will impact BizTalk Server performance. Therefore, you have to think about where to store the archiving data. You have to move the data to a different database server instance on a different machine optimized for storage of high volumes of data. Besides that you will need to have your application available that can easy access that data.
When you expect a high volume of messages flowing in and out of BizTalk a lot of disk I/O will be the result when using these pipelines for archiving messages. So basically a high disk contention can occur when writing archived messages to the same disk as where the BizTalk instance resides. A good approach would be having the archived messages stored on a separate dedicated disk.
Finally another thing you have to consider is data in the messages. Is it data everyone can see or is sensitive data? Storing the files either on file or in a database that easily accessible by others may not be a good option.
Wrap up
This is a very basic and straight forward custom solution to archive messages going in and out of BizTalk Server. It can be leveraged to create a more sophisticated archiving solution (see Code Samples). Having a solid, robust archiving solution in place for your BizTalk messages can be a mandatory requirement in your overall BizTalk solution. Therefore, you will need a good design up front that is fit for purpose.
Code Samples
There are some code samples and projects available that can useful in case you require to build a custom archiving solution:
- BizTalk Messaging Archive Custom Solution
- Code for custom archiving solution
- SAB BizTalk Archiving Pipeline Component
- BizTalk Message Archiving
- BizTalk stream based archiving pipeline component
- BizTalk Archiving - SQL and File
See Also
BizTalk Server is optimized for throughput, so the main orchestration and messaging engines do not actually move messages directly to the BizTalk tracking or BAM databases, as this would divert these engines from their primary job of executing business processes. Instead, BizTalk Server leaves the messages in the MessageBox database and marks them as requiring a move to the BizTalk Tracking database. A background process (the tracking host) then moves the messages to the BizTalk Tracking and BAM databases. It is recommended to create a dedicated host for tracking. See MSDN Configuring a Dedicated Tracking Host.
Another important place to find an extensive amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.