PowerShell: Using Operators in PowerShell Scripting
This TechNet Wiki article gives basic information about using Operators in PowerShell
Execute the below code to get available operators in PowerShell
help -Name '*operators*' | Select Name #outPut about_Arithmetic_Operators about_Assignment_Operators about_Comparison_Operators about_Logical_Operators about_Operators about_Type_Operator |
Learn Operators
help about_Arithmetic_Operators -Detailed help about_Assignment_Operators -Detailed help about_Comparison_Operators -Detailed help about_Logical_Operators -Detailed help about_Operators -Detailed help about_Type_Operator -Detailed |
Let's see few demo of Operators in PowerShell
Range Operators
1..10 | %{"PowerShell"} |
Replace Operator
"Chendrayan V" -replace 'V' , 'Venkatesan' |
With Out Operators
$x = "Chen V" $x.ToString().Replace('V','Venkatesan') ("Chen V").ToString().Replace('V','Venkatesan') |
Split Operator
'Chen V' -split ' ' |
"1;2;3;4;5" -split ';' |
Join Operator
1..10 -join '-' |
Adding Values to Array using Operator
$array = 1..10 $array += 11..20 $array |
IS Operator
"Chen" -is [int] 1 -is [int] |
AS Operator
1 -as [int] #OutPut 1 1 -as [ipaddress] #OutPut Address : 1 AddressFamily : InterNetwork ScopeId : IsIPv6Multicast : False IsIPv6LinkLocal : False IsIPv6SiteLocal : False IsIPv6Teredo : False IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 : False IPAddressToString : |
Like and Contains Operator
'PowerShell' -like '*Shell' #Returns True as Output 1..10 -contains 1 #Returns True as Output 1..10 -contains 19 #Returns False as Output |
Enjoy PowerShell