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GSCopypro 8.1 a Robocopy alternative with open file agent

GSCopyPro is a single command-line tool (CLI) that can copy, replicate and move files from one folder to another. This folder can be on the same machine/ server or another server elsewhere. GSCopyPro works on 32-bit as well as 64-bit systems it has no restirictions. It can be scheduled to run as a scheduled task and fully automated. GSCopyPro also comes with an open file agent which can copy files that are locked/ opened by other processes. This feature is supported in all windows versions from widows XP/ 2003 and later.

in early 2014, GuruSquad released a new version of GSCopyPro v8.1 which included many more features such as email notifications upon job completion and VSS Only mode to backup Hyper-V files.

GSCopyPro was originally designed to migrate file servers. However, overtimes, many IT professionals used it to back up workstations and other types of application servers.