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Powershell: How to get started.

Part 2 to this article is located here

Below is compiled to help get helpdesk, system admins/ engineers, and security personnel started on a set path to not just learn powershell but to maintain that knowledge and it is all free.

  1.  Getting Started with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start:
  2.  Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start:
  3. Videos and Podcasts:
  4. Microsoft Virtual Labs (Search for powershell):
  5. Windows PowerShell Self-Study Guide: 

For a list of references you can always use: 

For a quick cheat sheet you can use/ build off of:

"Import-Module ActiveDirectory" from powershell.

if they want to see what modules are installed on the box, they can run "Get-Module -list".

Get-aduser ``"username" -properties *


Get-Adcomputer ``"Computername" -properties *


Unlock-ADAccount –identity “Username”

The following command is still required by a privileged account or higher.

"Import-Module GroupPolicy" from powershell.


Get-GPO -name ``"Group Policy Name"


Get-GPPermissions –Name “GPO Name” –``all


Get-GPInheritance -target ``"ou=MyOU,dc=contoso,dc=com"


Get-gpresultantsetofpolicy -reporttype html -path c:\gpreport




Get-EventLog -list


get-eventlog system | where-object {$_.entrytype -eq ``"error"``}




get-eventlog system -newest ``100 | where-object {$_.entrytype -eq ``"error"``}




get-eventlog system -newest ``100 | where-object {$_.entrytype -eq ``"error"``} | format-list

Note: the word "system" is in reference to the log you are reading from, you can choose any log you want and pipe it to a .txt file if you wish.