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How to locate a Software Distribution Package in huge folder structure (SCCM 2007)




In large environments, we see a complicated folder structure for packages (SCCM). It becomes very difficult to search for a package by parsing each and every folder. This process becomes cumbersome if you are working on a daily basis for huge package list and with lots of sub folders.


Here is the query to check the folder structure of a package you are looking for:

Select * from FolderMembers where Instancekey = 'ABC00134'   (Note: ABC00134 is package ID)
Select * from Folders where ContainerNodeID=51

*For every relevant ContainerNodeID, you will find a parentcontainernode. If the value is 23, then use another command:

Select * from Folders where ContainerNodeID=23.

Using the same way, repeat the command until you get ContainerNodeID=0 (i.e. the root folder)

Finally, to combine all ContainerNodeID, the SQL query is:

Select * from Folders where ContainerNodeID in (51,23,0)

This will give you a perfect list of rows showing three Rows with three Folder Names in symmetrical order to be checked in SCCM console.