Small Basic: Default Value
This article shows Small Basic default values for properties and so on.
Default Values
Property | Value |
Clock.Date | N/A |
Clock.Day | N/A |
Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds | N/A |
Clock.Hour | N/A |
Clock.Millisecond | N/A |
Clock.Minute | N/A |
Clock.Month | N/A |
Clock.Second | N/A |
Clock.Time | N/A |
Clock.WeekDay | N/A |
Clock.Year | N/A |
Controls.LastClickedButton | "" |
Controls.LastTypedTextBox | "" |
Desktop.Height | N/A |
Desktop.Width | N/A |
File.LastError | "" |
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor | "#FFFFFF" |
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor | "#6A5ACD" |
GraphicsWindow.CanResize | "True" |
GraphicsWindow.FontBold | "True" |
GraphicsWindow.FontItalic | "False" |
GraphicsWindow.FontName | "Tahoma" |
GraphicsWindow.FontSize | 12 |
GraphicsWindow.Height | 441 |
GraphicsWindow.LastKey | "None" |
GraphicsWindow.LastText | N/A |
GraphicsWindow.Left | N/A |
GraphicsWindow.MouseX | 0 |
GraphicsWindow.MouseY | 0 |
GraphicsWindow.PenColor | "#000000" |
GraphicsWindow.PenWidth | 2 |
GraphicsWindow.Title | "Small Basic Graphics Window" |
GraphicsWindow.Top | N/A |
GraphicsWindow.Width | 624 |
Math.Pi | 3.14159265358979 |
Mouse.IsLeftButtonDown | "False" |
Mouse.IsRightButtonDown | "False" |
Mouse.MouseX | N/A |
Mouse.MouseY | N/A |
Program.ArgumentCount | N/A |
Program.Directory | N/A |
TextWindow.BackgroundColor | "Black" |
TextWindow.CursorLeft | 0 |
TextWindow.CursorTop | 0 |
TextWindow.ForgroundColor | "Gray" |
TextWindow.Left | N/A |
TextWindow.Title | N/A |
TextWindow.Top | N/A |
Timer.Interval | 100000000 |
Turtle.Angle | 0 |
Turtle.Speed | 5 |
Turtle.X | 320 |
Turtle.Y | 240 |
Method (Before setting) | Value | Note |
Controls.SetSize (textbox) | 160, 22 | |
Controls.SetSize (multilinetextbox) | 200, 80 | |
Controls.SetSize (button) | 10, 24 | with null caption (12, 26 in Windows Vista) |
Shapes.SetOpacity | 100 |