How to Filter CSV data using PowerShell
One of my team mate asked me "How to Filter CSV data using PowerShell"?
I replied back why do you want to do using PowerShell when you have Excel :) . I really stop people making things complicated. But the scenario he explained me was little interesting.
We have a data center rack details like below
Rack1 , Rack2, Rack3,Rack4
We need to automate by filtering the CSV and send to concern team for downtime approval. Ex: Activity on VLAN10 - Associated servers will be down. I am no really convinced with this requirement because doing this is easy in PowerShell but the technical process is not really aligned in their IT. I am not bothered about his technical process.
I don't want to highlight it to them because they do have network experts to manage it.
So how to do this in PowerShell is the base question to be answered.
$data = Import-Csv C:\Users\904870\Desktop\Book1.csv
$result =@()
foreach($d in $data)
$result += $d | Where-Object {$_.Rack4 -like "VLAN10"}
$result | Export-Csv C:\Temp\VLAN10.csv
Enjoy PowerShell :)