Migration from Exchange 2007 MRM to Exchange 2013 Retention Policy
MRM which denotes as Messaging Record Management uses Retention Tag and Retention Policy to perform their operation using the Mailbox Assistant service in Exchange server 2013.
Few important points:
- It uses MRM version 2.0 whereas Exchange 2007 hold MRM Version 1.0
- In Exchange 2007 we have terms known as Managed Folder, Managed Folder Content, Managed Folder Policy these are no more supported in Exchange 2013.
- As similar *ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule *in Exchange 2007 Mailbox server we have workcycle for Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server
- In Exchange 2007 SP1 when we use managed default folders we need Exchange Standard client access license Whereas on using managed custom folders then we need an Exchange Server Enterprise CAL.
Let’s make it simple and understand Exchange Server 2007 MRM …
- To verify the MRM in Exchange 2007
- To schedule the mailbox folder assistance for Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server
Set-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer -ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule "Sun.14:00-Sun.13:00"
- To check the mailbox folder assistance schedule for Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server
* Get-MailboxServer -Identity MailboxServer | fl Name, ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule*
- To applying MRM policy for user mailbox
Set-Mailbox -Identity Raji -ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy "Delete_14Days"
- To remove MRM policy for user mailbox
Set-Mailbox -Identity Raji –RemoveManagedFolderAndPolicy
- * *To run Mailbox Assistant forcibly for Exchange 2007 user mailbox
Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -Mailbox Raji
* *
Exchange Server 2013 Retention Policy
- Migration of Exchange 2007 Managed Folder to Exchange Server 2013 Retention Policy Tag
New-RetentionPolicyTag -Name 'Exchange 2013 Retention Tag' -ManagedFolderToUpgrade 'Exchange 2007 Managed Folder’
- Adding the Retention Policy Tag to the Retention Policy
New-RetentionPolicy 'Exchange 2013 Retention Policy' * –RetentionPolicyTagLinks 'Exchange 2013 Retention Tag'*
- To change the user display content of Retention Policy Tag
Set-RetentionPolicyTag "'Exchange 2013 Retention Policy " -Comment "This folder is under retention policy and Items in the Deleted Items folder will be automatically deleted in 14 days"
- To applying MRM policy for user mailbox
Set-Mailbox -Identity Raji -RetentionPolicy "Exchange 2013 Retention Policy "
- To apply changes for Bulk users
$users = Get-Content C:\Scripts\migration\Phase2.csv
ForEach ($user in $users)
$Uname = Get-mailbox $user
Set-Mailbox $Uname.alias –RemoveManagedFolderAndPolicy
Set-Mailbox $Uname.alias –RententionPolicy "Exchange 2013 Retention Policy "
- * *To run Mailbox Assistant forcibly for Exchange 2013 user mailbox
Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -Identity Raji
- To check the Work cycle of Exchange 2013 Mailbox Server
Get-MailboxServer <ServerName> | Format-List Name, *WorkCycle*
- Checking the Retention Policy in OWA 2013: Go to the mailbox folder where the retention policy is applied. On the email you see the below view