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PowerShell Pre-Upgrade Check for Project Server 2013

PowerShell Pre-Upgrade Check

The following PowerShell script is used to check for miscellaneous items that may need to be fixed prior to service packs and cumulative updates.

Basically, I load the script and setup my variables. Then I run each line examining the results looking for anything that may be out of ordinary. At the end, I have a few PowerShell fixes.  For example,  I discovered I had a poorly provision PWA, so I removed it prior to upgrade.

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# PreUpgradeCheck.ps1

# Updating CU for Project Server


Set-ExecutionPolicy "Unrestricted"

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue



# Prior to updating CU ---- look for possible issues



$DBServer        = "LABA-2012SQL"

$ProjectDB       = "LABA_ProjectWebApp"

$WebApp          = http://LABA-2013SP

$PWA             = http://LABA-2013SP/PWA

$WSS_ContentDB   = "LABA_ProjectServer_WSS_Content"

$Admin_ContentDB = "LABA_Admin_Content"


# Not required:  Used for additional provisioned PWA sites

# Setting for second provision OOB (Out-of-box)

# OOB is used for referrencing what the OOB configuration looks like


$ProjectDBOOB    = "LABA_ProjectWebAppOOB"

$PWAOOB          = http://LABA-2013SP/PWAOOB


# Examine all and how many PWA instances

# List project instances

# 1) Look for any instances that should be deleted




# Test Project Web Instance

# 1) Check that all STATUS have PASSED


Test-SPProjectWebInstance -Identity $PWA

Test-SPProjectWebInstance -Identity $PWAOOB


# Test the Project Database State

# 1) Exists is TRUE

# 2) IsProjectDatabase is TRUE

# 3) all others should be FALSE


Get-SPProjectDatabaseState -DatabaseServer $DBServer -Name $ProjectDB

Get-SPProjectDatabaseState -DatabaseServer $DBServer -Name $ProjectDBOOB


# Test Project Database

# 1) ERROR           should be FALSE

# 2) UpgradeBlocking should be FALSE


Test-SPProjectDatabase -WebInstance $PWA

Test-SPProjectDatabase -WebInstance $PWAOOB


# Test Each SharePoint Content Database and all categories should be ok

# 1) ERROR           should be FALSE

# 2) UPgradeBlocking should be FALSE

# 3) Message should be positive


Test-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $WebApp -name $WSS_ContentDB

Test-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication $WebApp -name $Admin_ContentDB






## Tools to fix issue with upgrades




# The following lines is used to remove a bad or unused Project Provisioning


$PSI= Get-SPServiceApplication | WHERE {$_.TypeName -like "*Project*" }

#Test-SPProjectServiceApplication -Identity 2ffcc47f-19ac-4b9e-9d14-e03f8f1bfdb1

Test-SPProjectServiceApplication -Identity $PSI


# Steps to remove a bad instance of PWA


$psi = Get-SPServiceApplication | ?{$_.TYpename -like "*Project*"}



## Remove-SPProjectDatabase

## Remove-SPProjectDatabase -DatabaseServer LABA-2012SQL.LAB.LOCAL -Name LABA-ProjectServerDB

