SharePoint 2010: Database names
The following databases are used in a SharePoint 2010 installation:
- Crawl database
The Crawl Database name and server name can be obtained from the Search Application Topology section in Central Admin.
The Crawl database contains the following tables:
- MSSActiveCrawls
- MSSAnchorChangeLog
- MSSAnchorDocPropsBlob
- MSSAnchorDocPropsBlobTrace
- MSSAnchorPendingChangeLog
- MSSAnchorText
- MSSAnchorTextPrepState
- MSSAnchorTextPrepStateLog
- MSSAnnotations
- MSSAnnotationsPending
- MSSAnnotationsPendingStatus
- MSSBatchHistory
- MSSChangeLogCookies
- MSSCompletedCrawls
- MSSConfiguration
- MSSCrawlChangedCommittedDocs
- MSSCrawlChangedDeletedDocs
- MSSCrawlChangedSourceDocs
- MSSCrawlChangedTargetDocs
- MSSCrawlComponentsLocal
- MSSCrawlDeletedErrorList
- MSSCrawlDeletedURL
- MSSCrawlErrorList
- MSSCrawlHostList
- MSSCrawlHostsLog
- MSSCrawlLinksLog
- MSSCrawlQueue
- MSSCrawlReportCrawlErrors
- MSSCrawlURL - There are two tables that can assist in looking at Crawl log information. Both MSSCrawlURLLog and MSSCrawlURL contain information gathered during a crawl. Please update this page with details that describe the differences between these two tables and why you might use one versus the other. This table may be necessary to reference because there are no exposed api calls to obtain details on the crawl.
- MSSCrawlUrlChanges
- MSSCrawlURLLog - There are two tables that can assist in looking at Crawl log information. Both MSSCrawlURLLog and MSSCrawlURL contain information gathered during a crawl. Please update this page with details that describe the differences between these two tables and why you might use one versus the other. This table may be necessary to reference because there are no exposed api calls to obtain details on the crawl.
- MSSCrawlUrlReport
- MSSCrawlUrlUsedContentSourceReport
- MSSCrawlUrlUsedErrorReport
- MSSDiscoveredLinks
- MSSDocDeleteList
- MSSNextDocID
- MSSOrdinal
- MSSRowOrdinal
- MSSSocialDistance
- MSSSocialDistanceLinkDelete
- MSSSocialDistanceLinkNew
- MSSSocialDistanceLinkUnchanged
- MSSTranTempTable0
- MSSTranTempTable1
- MSSUserHosts
- Versions