BizTalk Server 2010: MessageBox Database Tables
This article will contain information about the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database. Including references to articles that is important for this database. If you have some more information regarding tables, please update them accordingly.
MessageBox Database is known as the heart of BizTalk Engine. Publish-Subscribe Architecture completely relies on this Database.
The logical routing of messages, fulfilling subscriptions and message tracking are carried out through this database.
This blog contains the list of Messagebox DB tables and their details.
S.No |
Table Name |
Details |
1 |
ActiveRefCountLog |
If a message is being subscribed by multiple subscribers, There will be MessageRefCountLogs Which will aggregate the list of subscribers per message, once this count reaches the maximum value,SQL server agent job will carry out this aggregation and deletes those messages from DB |
2 |
adap_DownloadedFiles |
FTP Adapter: FTP URI and the timestamp comparisonrecorded is configuration to this table. This will be useful for the property EnableTimeStampComparison |
3 |
adap_UriKeys |
FTP Adapter: FileName and FileTimeStamp is being recorded in this table to track the details of the file being downloaded from the FTP location |
4 |
AddRef |
This table holding the messageID for a message |
5 |
ApplicationProps |
All the host properties are listed in this table |
6 |
Applications |
Applications tables holds the host details of the BizTalk Group |
7 |
BitwiseANDPredicates |
Predicates for Orchestration Subscriptions are listed in this table |
8 |
BizTalkDBVersion |
This table holds the information about the Biztalk Message Box DB |
9 |
BizTalkServerApplication_DequeueBatches |
The dequeued messages are recorded in this table per host |
10 |
BizTalkServerApplication_MessageRefCountLog |
Subscription based ref count log will be recorded based on the host instance table |
11 |
BizTalkServerApplicationQ |
A Queue, which holds the number of messages to be processed/waiting to be delivered is being listed in this table |
12 |
BizTalkServerApplicationQ_Scheduled |
A Scheduled Queue table, which holds the processed messages and waiting for the transmit based on service window interval specified on the port |
13 |
BizTalkServerApplicationQ_Suspended |
References to suspended messages in BizTalkServerApplication host will be recorded in this table. The messages resides till ith has got terminated or resumed |
14 |
BizTalkServerIsolatedHost_DequeueBatches |
The dequeued messages are recorded in this table per host |
15 |
BizTalkServerIsolatedHost _MessageRefCountLog |
Subscription based ref count log will be recorded based on the host instance table |
16 |
BizTalkServerIsolatedHostQ |
A Queue, which holds the number of messages to be processed/waiting to be delivered is being listed in this table |
17 |
BizTalkServerIsolatedHostQ_Scheduled |
A Scheduled Queue table, which holds the processed messages and waiting for the transmit based on service window interval specified on the port |
18 |
BizTalkServerIsolatedHostQ_Suspended |
References to suspended messages in BizTalkServerIsolatedHost host will be recorded in this table. The messages resides till ith has got terminated or resumed |
19 |
btsmon_Instances |
BizTalk Monitoring tables which will hold the references of Subscriptions(Active/Instance) |
20 |
btsmon_InstanceSubscriptions |
21 |
btsmon_RunningInstances |
22 |
btsv_ActivationSubscription |
The Activation subscription based details per host instance is listed in this table |
23 |
btsv_LocalDate |
Biztalk System Server date is loaded in this table by default |
24 |
btsv_Tracking_Fragments |
All Tracking related details are listed in this table |
25 |
btsv_Tracking_Parts |
26 |
btsv_Tracking_Spool |
27 |
btsv_UTCDate |
UTC Date format is loaded in this table by default |
28 |
ConvoySetInstances |
Active Correlation of the message instances are recorded in this table |
29 |
ConvoySets |
All the convoy sets will be listed in this table |
30 |
DynamicStateInfo_BizTalkServerApplication |
This table contains all the dynamic Orchestration information,that will be loaded during runtime, it has a row for each deployed orchestration per host |
31 |
DynamicStateInfo_BizTalkServerIsolatedHost |
32 |
EdiControlNumbers |
This table is used to find the ISA control number for a trading partner of an EDI message |
33 |
EdiIncomingEdifactICN |
holds the value of OnewayAggrement id, ICA13 and received time |
34 |
EdiIncomingX12ICN |
holds the value of OnewayAggrement id, UNB05 and received time |
35 |
EdiInt_InboundMessageIdentity |
This table holds the value of AS2From, AS2To, MessageID and Time Inserted for an EDI message |
36 |
EdiInt_Mic |
If an MDN Ack is enabled for an EDI message, when the AS2 send pipeline processes an outbound message, it computes a MICHashValue, The send pipeline saves the hash value in the EdiInt_Mic table of the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database. |
37 |
EqualsPredicates |
The operator(==) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
38 |
EqualsPredicates2ndPass |
The operator(==) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
39 |
ExistsPredicates |
The operator(exists) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
40 |
FirstPassPredicates |
The operator(First pass) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
41 |
Fragments |
Message Fragments table. |
42 |
GreaterThanOrEqualsPredicates |
The operator(>=) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
43 |
GreaterThanPredicates |
The operator(>) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
44 |
Instances |
All the message instance related details are recorded in these tables |
45 |
InstancesOperatedOn |
46 |
InstancesPendingOperations |
47 |
InstancesSuspended |
48 |
InstanceStateMessageReferences _BizTalkServerApplication |
This Queue holds the messages which has been processed and persisted in database which will be needed in later stage in Orchestration or MSMQ. |
49 |
InstanceStateMessageReferences _BizTalkServerIsolatedHost |
50 |
JobData |
List of SQL jobs are listed in this table |
51 |
LessThanOrEqualsPredicates |
The operator(<=) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
52 |
LessThanPredicates |
The operator(<) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
53 |
LocalizedErrorStrings |
All the Errors messages are listed in this table |
54 |
MarkLog |
Marklog is a table store a string every time BizTalk backups the tracking database |
55 |
MessageParts |
The Biztalk messages are split into message parts. The UIDPartID is recorded in this table, which is used to retrieve the actual message in the parts table |
56 |
MessagePredicates |
All message related predicates are listed in this table |
57 |
MessageProps |
This table holds the contextual property of a message and also records the batch of message and the order in which the messages arrived |
58 |
MessageRefCountLog1 |
For a multiple subscriber based message,the count of subscribers are updated in this table. Two tables are used to reduce contention and locking issues |
59 |
MessageRefCountLog2 |
60 |
MessageRefCountLogTotals |
61 |
MessageZeroSum |
When a message has been subscribed by all of its subscribers, reference of a message will be inserted into this table and the clean up job will permanently delete this message from message box |
62 |
Modules |
All the application in the BAC are listed as modules in this table |
63 |
NotEqualsPredicates |
The operator(!=) used in the expression of the subscription information is placed in the Predicate tables. |
64 |
OperationsProgress |
This table tracks the SPID, succeeded count , failed count ,pending count and skipped count |
65 |
PartRefCountLog1 |
For a multiple subscriber based message,the count of subscribers for a message parts are updated in this table. Two tables are used to reduce contention and locking issues |
66 |
PartRefCountLog2 |
67 |
PartRefCountLogTotals |
68 |
Parts |
This table holds the actual message body content which will be in binary encoded format in the column imgpart |
69 |
PartZeroSum |
When a message has been subscribed by all of its subscribers, reference of a message will be inserted into this table and the clean up job will permanently delete this message from message box |
70 |
PredicateGroup |
Multiple Predicate for a message will be grouped with 'and', 'or' condition in this table |
71 |
PredicateGroupNames |
Group of Predicates with subscription name are listed in this table |
72 |
PredicateGroupZeroSum1 |
After the messages are processed, the subscriptions has to be deleted from Messagebox DB by inserting the predicate group into this table |
73 |
PredicateGroupZeroSum2 |
74 |
ProcessHeartbeats |
Heartbeat messages are communicated every one minute to handle the resources in a right way in biztalk to have coordinate process like transfer data from message box to tracking DB, etc. The Configuration for heart beat messages per host is configured in this table |
75 |
Release |
MessageID is recorded in this table |
76 |
ServiceClasses |
The following services are responsible for creating subscriptions in BizTalk Server |
77 |
Services |
All service related info are present in this table |
78 |
Spool |
This table contains the description of the messages and message context properties of a message whichever passes through biztalk |
79 |
StaticStateInfo |
This table contains all the static Orchestration information,that will be loaded during runtime, it has a row for each deployed orchestration |
80 |
Subscription |
All the Message subscription related details are recorded in this table |
81 |
Tracking_Fragments1 |
All the tracked messages will be listed in this table |
82 |
Tracking_Fragments2 |
83 |
Tracking_Parts1 |
84 |
Tracking_Parts2 |
85 |
Tracking_Spool1 |
86 |
Tracking_Spool2 |
87 |
TrackingData |
88 |
TrackingData_0_0 |
89 |
TrackingData_0_1 |
90 |
TrackingData_0_2 |
91 |
TrackingData_0_3 |
92 |
TrackingData_1_0 |
93 |
TrackingData_1_1 |
94 |
TrackingData_1_2 |
95 |
TrackingData_1_3 |
96 |
TrackingDataPartitions |
97 |
TrackingMessageReferences |
98 |
TrackingSpoolInfo |
99 |
TruncateRefCountLog |
Truncate type and truncate count are recorded in this table |
100 |
TrustedUsers |
Host Instances with the Specified Trusted UserName will be listed in this table |
101 |
UniqueSubscription |
Unique subscription details are recorded in this table |
See Also
Another important place to find an extensive amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.