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Event Source: Microsoft-Windows-ActiveDirectory_DomainService

The directory service is a database with multiple data partitions, as well as the processes to maintain, manage, and secure the database. Domain controllers host and replicate the directory service database inside the forest. The directory service also provides services for managing and authenticating resources in the forest. There are many different Event IDs that you might encounter from this event source. Each Event ID below should link to specific information that provides more information on that event. Some will go to the TechNet Library and others to the TechNet Wiki. Eventually, we want all events to go to the TechNet Wiki, so that we can work on them as a community to improve the troubleshooting information.

Note: If you don't see the Event ID here that you seek, feel free to add a page, fill out as much as you can, and then link to it. We will work as a community to provide as much information as we can about troublehsooting each event.

1008 1142 1152 1182 1220 1539 1844 1854 1981 2533 2887
1016 1143 1153 1184 1311 1547 1845 1865 1982 2535 2888 
1084 1144 1154 1185 1312 1567 1847 1895 1983 2527 2889
1126 1145 1155  1188 1315 1582 1848 1896 2087 2538  
1135 1146 1156 1199 1411 1645 1849 1897 2088 2534  
1136 1147 1157 1200 1464  1664 1850 1925 2521 2535  
1137 1149 1158 1203 1473  1699 1851 1964 2530 2536
1140 1150 1180 1207 1523  1840 1853 1979 2531 2883
1141 1151 1181 1208 1536  1841 1854 1980 2532 2886 


NOTE: Most of the links above are to TechNet Library pages. A few of them link to other TechNet Wiki pages. In the future, we would like all the links to go to TechNet Wiki pages with information that is updatable by the community.