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SharePoint 2013: Create 2000 Domain Accounts with Profile Photos for a Development Environment


It can be important to have a development environment that is as close to a production environment as possible. Having realistic development (or staging) environment helps business users visualise what an end product (or solution) will look like when deployed.

The following PowerShell (and accompanying name files) demonstrates creating 2000 unique Active Directory domain accounts, including setting different locations, departments, phone numbers and gender (male or female). Each domain account has a photo uploaded to Active Directory. Finally, SharePoint User Profile synchronization is configured, to import the users and their photos.


This article makes use of name files from, and people pictures from


  1. Download the name files (female names, male names, surnames)
  2. Format the documents using a notepad editor
  3. Import the name files into PowerShell
  4. Create a custom PSObject for holding people information
  5. Use the name files to create 2000 unique users (1000 males and 1000 females)
  6. Download 1000 male and 1000 female photos from fotolia
  7. Create the 2000 users (using the Active Directory PowerShell module) and upload the photos for each new user account
  8. Configure SharePoint User Profile Synchronisation to import the users from Active Directory, including each users Thumbnail photo
  9. Run Update-SPProfilePhotoStore to create the profile photo variations
  10. Index the user profiles and view the people results in SharePoint Search

1. Download the name files

To complete this exercise, you need a list of female names, male names and female names. I searched the internet, and quickly came across a site called scrapmaker, which offers various lists, including the name lists I was after. They can be downloaded here:

2. Formatting the documents

Open each name file, and remove any header information. The file should only contain a single column of names.

3. Import the name files into PowerShell

Import the three name files into PowerShell variables. Each variable will hold a collection of names that will be used to create the random male and female users.

$ffn = Get-Content "C:\Temp\NameDb\femalefirstnames.txt"            
$mfn = Get-Content "C:\Temp\NameDb\malefirstnames.txt"            
$ln = Get-Content "C:\Temp\NameDb\surnames.txt"

4. Create a custom PSObject for holding people information

Create a new psobject that will hold all of the user properties we will be randomly generating.

$userobject = New-Object psobject            
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FirstName" -value "" 
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LastName" -value "" 
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SamAccount" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Location" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Country" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "CountryCode" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "City" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Mobile" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "DDI" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Ext" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Department" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "JobTitle" -value ""
$userobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Gender" -value ""

5. Use the name files to create 2000 unique users (approximately 1000 males and 1000 females)

Use the name files to create 2000 "users". Each user created is added to a userobject (defined in the above step). The PowerShell Get-Random cmdlet is used to randomly select values for names and locations.

The script is commented, providing additional information.

#Create an array to hold the user objects            
$users = $null;            
$users = @();            
#Get the number of names in each name file.            
$ffnCount = $ffn.Count;            
$mfnCount = $mfn.Count;            
$lnCount = $ln.Count;            
#Set a based number that will be used when creating the users Sam Account.            
$sabase = 1000;            
#Get the TextInfo class. This will be used with the name files to change the casing of names to title case. E.g. john will be changed to John.            
$cI = Get-Culture;            
$tI = $cI.TextInfo;            
#Create 2000 random users            
while($i -le 2000){               
 #Create a new user object            
 $nu = $userobject | Select-Object *;            
 #Set a random index value for the last name            
 $lnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($lnCount -1);            
 #Make sure the row (in the last names array) contains a value            
 while($ln[$lnIndex].Length -eq 1)            
  $lnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($lnCount -1);            
 #Set the last name, using Title casing            
 $nu.LastName = $tI.ToTitleCase($ln[$lnIndex].ToLower());            
 #Create a unique value for the SAM Account            
 $nu.SamAccount = ([String]::Format("u{0}",$sabase));            
 #Randomly select the gender            
 $gender = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum 2;            
 #Set a random index value for the female name             
 $ffnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($ffnCount -1);            
 #Set a random index value for the male name            
 $mfnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($mfnCount -1);            
 if($gender -eq 0){            
  #Make sure the row (in the male names array) contains a value            
  while($mfn[$mfnIndex].Length -eq 1)            
   $mfnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($mfnCount -1);            
  #Set the forname, using Title casing            
  $nu.FirstName = $tI.ToTitleCase($mfn[$mfnIndex].ToLower());            
  #Set the gender            
  $nu.Gender = "Male";            
  #Make sure the row (in the female names array) contains a value            
  while($ffn[$ffnIndex].Length -eq 1)            
   $ffnIndex = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum ($ffnCount -1);            
  #Set the forname, using Title casing            
  $nu.FirstName = $tI.ToTitleCase($ffn[$ffnIndex].ToLower());            
  #Set the gender            
  $nu.Gender = "Female";            
 #Use a random number to set the location of the user.            
 $li = Get-Random -minimum 0 -maximum 100;            
 if($li -le 25){$nu.Location = "Melbourne";$nu.City="Melbourne";$nu.Country="Australia";$nu.CountryCode="AU";}            
 if($li -gt 25 -and $li -le 40){$nu.Location = "Hong Kong";$nu.City="Hong Kong";$nu.Country="Hong Kong";$nu.CountryCode="HK";}            
 if($li -gt 40 -and $li -le 80){$nu.Location = "London";$nu.City="London";$nu.Country="England";$nu.CountryCode="UK";}            
 if($li -gt 80){$nu.Location = "New York";$nu.City="New York";$nu.Country="United States of America";$nu.CountryCode="US";}            
 #Set the users phone numbers using the unique base number $sabase            
 $nu.DDI = ([String]::Format("555-{0}",$sabase));            
 $nu.Ext = ([String]::Format("{0}",$sabase));            
 $nu.Mobile = ([String]::Format("07555-66{0}",$sabase));             
 #Set the Department of the user            
 if($i -le 20){$nu.Department = "Executive"};            
 if($i -gt 20 -and $i -le 100){$nu.Department = "Middle Management";$nu.JobTitle="Manager";};            
 if($i -gt 100 -and $i -le 200){$nu.Department = "Accounts";$nu.JobTitle="Accountant";};            
 if($i -gt 200 -and $i -le 250){$nu.Department = "Marketing";$nu.JobTitle="Marketing Executive";};            
 if($i -gt 250 -and $i -le 400){$nu.Department = "Sales";$nu.JobTitle="Salesman";};            
 if($i -gt 400 -and $i -le 450){$nu.Department = "Information Technology";$nu.JobTitle="IT Support";};             
 if($i -gt 450 -and $i -le 475){$nu.Department = "Human Resources";$nu.JobTitle="HR Support";};            
 if($i -gt 475 -and $i -le 575){$nu.Department = "Engineering";$nu.JobTitle="Engineer";};            
 if($i -gt 575 -and $i -le 675){$nu.Department = "Supervisors";$nu.JobTitle="Supervisor";};            
 if($i -gt 675 -and $i -le 875){$nu.Department = "Team Leaders";$nu.JobTitle="Team Leader";}            
 if($i -gt 875){$nu.Department = "Manufacturing"};            
 $users += $nu;            
 Write-Host "Added"$nu.FirstName $nu.LastName            

6. Download 1000 male and 1000 female photos from Fotolia

This part of the script uses the Internet Explorer object to search for photos on the site.

Photos are downloaded from the Fotolia site by specifying a search query in the URL query string. Each page of results has approximately 100 images (search results). The Download-PhotoFromFotolia function takes a URL parameter, an internet explorer object, a base image id (used to create unique file names) and the directory path to save the images to. If there are no images returned from the search query, -1 is returned from the function, otherwise the incremented base image id value is returned.

function Download-PhotoFromFotolia{            
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][String]$Url,            
 #Get the page (of search results) using the provided URL            
 while ($InternetExplorer.ReadyState -ne 4)                        
  Write-Host "Downloading page. Please wait..." -foregroundcolor DarkYellow;            
  sleep -Milliseconds 500                        
 Write-Host "Getting a collection of images.";            
 #Get a collection of all the images on the page            
 $images = $InternetExplorer.Document.getElementsByTagName("img")            
 Write-Host "Getting all of the portrait thumbnails.";            
 #Get a collection of all the images with a src attribute that starts with http://t - this will be the collection of thumbnail photos from the search results.            
 #By examining the search page using Internet Explorer tools, you can see that all of the thumbnail photos are on a CDN network, starting with the URL http://t1, or http://t2            
 #Other images on the page (logos, etc), have a src attribute starting with http://s            
 $imageCollection = $images | ?{$_.src -like "http://t*"}              
 $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient            
 #Download each image and save it to the specified directory            
 foreach($image in $imageCollection )            
  Write-Host "Downloading"$image.Src -foregroundcolor DarkYellow            
  $filePath = ([String]::Format("{0}\{1}.jpg",$FileDirectoryPath,$BaseImageId));            
   Write-Host "Successfully downloaded"$image.Src"to $filePath" -foregroundcolor Green            
   Write-Host "Failed to downloaded"$image.Src"to $filePath. Error:"$_.Exception.Message -foregroundcolor Red            
 #Return the baseimageid (with has been incremented), if images where found on the page.             
 #If no images where found, return -1            
 if($imageCollection.Count -eq 0)            
 {return -1}            
 {return $BaseImageId;}            

This image illustrates how to determine what to filter the images on. This is important, so that only photo thumbnail photos are downloaded. In the above function, you can see that images are filtered based on the source attribute starting with "http://t".

This section of code sets the directories to save the images to. It then calls Download-PhotoFromFotolia repeated to download 2000 female and male images.

$page = 1;            
$baseImageId = 1;            
#Get a reference to Internet Explorer            
$ie = New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"             
#Set the directories for storing the female and male images (create the directories if they don't exist)            
$femailPhotoDirectory = "C:\temp\femalephotos";            
if((Test-Path -Path $femailPhotoDirectory) -eq $false){New-Item -Path $femailPhotoDirectory -ItemType Directory}            
$mailPhotoDirectory = "C:\temp\malephotos";            
if((Test-Path -Path $mailPhotoDirectory) -eq $false){New-Item -Path $mailPhotoDirectory -ItemType Directory}            
#Set the baseImageId - this is used to create a unique file name for each photo downloaded            
$baseImageId = 1;            
#Attempt to download 1000 female images. The search query specifies orientation = square, contenttype = photo, using the keyword "woman"            
#The Download-PhotoFromFotolia function returns -1 if there are no more images to download.            
while($baseImageId -ge 1 -and $baseImageId -le 1000)            
 $baseImageId = Download-PhotoFromFotolia -Url ([String]::Format("{0}", $baseImageId)) -InternetExplorer $ie -BaseImageId $baseImageId -FileDirectoryPath $femailPhotoDirectory             
#Reset the baseimageid            
$baseImageId = 1;            
#Attempt to download 1000 male images. The search query specifies orientation = square, contenttype = photo, using the keyword "man"            
#The Download-PhotoFromFotolia function returns -1 if there are no more images to download.            
while($baseImageId -ge 1 -and $baseImageId -le 1000)            
 $baseImageId = Download-PhotoFromFotolia -Url ([String]::Format("{0}", $baseImageId)) -InternetExplorer $ie -BaseImageId $baseImageId -FileDirectoryPath $mailPhotoDirectory             
#Close the Internet Explorer application            

7. Create the 2000 users (using the Active Directory PowerShell module) and upload the photos for each new user account

The following code iterates through the array of user objects, passing the user object and a profile photo path to the Add-ActiveDirectoryUser function to create Active Directory user accounts.

#Set variables for storing the maximum number of unique female and male images. This index will be used when assigning user accounts images.            
#If there are more user accounts than images, the index will be reset, and images will be cycled through, to ensure each user account has an image.            
$femalepictureIndex = 1;            
$malepictureIndex = 1;            
#Get a collection of all the female and male jpg files from the image directories.             
#The -filter parameter is used to ensure only jpg files are retrieved.            
$femaleMaxPhotos = (Get-ChildItem -Path $femailPhotoDirectory  -Filter *.jpg).Count            
$maleMaxPhotos = (Get-ChildItem -Path $mailPhotoDirectory  -Filter *.jpg).Count            
#For each user in the array of user objects we created, determine if the user is a male or female, assign the user a profile photo (from either the male or female photo collection) and then call Add-ActiveDirectoryUser to create the user account.            
foreach($u in $users)            
 if($u.Gender -eq "Female")            
  if($femalepictureIndex -gt $femaleMaxPhotos){$femalepictureIndex=1;}            
  $filePath = ([String]::Format("{0}\{1}.jpg",$femailPhotoDirectory,$femalepictureIndex))              
  Add-ActiveDirectoryUser $u $filePath             
  if($malepictureIndex -gt $maleMaxPhotos){$malepictureIndex=1;}            
  $filePath = ([String]::Format("{0}\{1}.jpg",$mailPhotoDirectory,$malepictureIndex))            
  Add-ActiveDirectoryUser $u $filePath             

The Add-ActiveDirectoryUser function. This function uses the custom user object to get the values for creating the new user account.

The function calls Ensure-OUExists to test if the destination OU exists. If it doesn't, it's created.

Finally, if the profilePhotoFilePath isn't null or empty, the function calls the Add-PhotoToUserAccount function to upload the profile photo for the user.

function Add-ActiveDirectoryUser{            
   [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$userObject,            
 #Convert the password to a secure string. This is required for the New-ADUser cmdlet.             
 $password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "1HopeThi$isS3cure" -AsPlainText -Force            
 #Set the directory path (OU) that the user will created in.             
 #Each users is created in an OU named after the department they belong, which resides in an OU named after the city the work in.            
 $path = ([String]::Format("OU={0},OU={1},OU=Locations,DC=PANTS,DC=COM",$userObject.Department.Trim(),$userObject.City.Trim()));            
 #Call the Ensure-OUExists function, passing in the directory path as a parameter. This function will check if the OU exists, and if not, it will create the OU            
 Ensure-OUExists $path             
 #Define the $currentUser variable            
 $currentUser = $null;            
  #Check to see if the user already exists in the Directory. If so, assign the user to the $currentUser variable.            
  $currentUser = Get-ADUSer $userObject.SamAccount -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue;            
  Write-Host "User"([String]::Format("{0} {1}",$userObject.FirstName,$userObject.LastName))"exists." -foregroundcolor Green;            
  Write-Host "User"([String]::Format("{0} {1}",$userObject.FirstName,$userObject.LastName))"does not exist. The user will be created." -foregroundcolor DarkYellow;            
 #If the user doesn't already exist in Active Directory, the $currentUser variable will be null.             
 if($currentUser -eq $null){            
  #The user doesn't already exist, so create the user account, using the properties passed to the function in the $userObject variable            
  New-ADUser -UserPrincipalName $userObject.SamAccount -SamAccountName $userObject.SamAccount -Name $userObject.SamAccount -City $userObject.City -AccountPassword $password  -Surname $userObject.LastName -OfficePhone $userObject.DDI -MobilePhone $userObject.Mobile -GivenName $userObject.FirstName -Division $userObject.Department -Department $userObject.Department  -Enabled $true  -OtherAttributes @{'ipPhone'=$userObject.Ext;'physicalDeliveryOfficeName'=$userObject.Location;'employeeType'=$userObject.Gender;'co'=$userObject.Country} -EmployeeID $userObject.SamAccount -Path $path -DisplayName ([String]::Format("{0} {1}",$userObject.FirstName,$userObject.LastName)) -Title $userObject.JobTitle -Country $userObject.CountryCode;            
  $currentUser = Get-ADUSer $userObject.SamAccount -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue;            
  Write-Host "Created"([String]::Format("{0} {1}",$userObject.FirstName,$userObject.LastName)) -foregroundcolor Green;            
 #If the function was called with a value in the $profilePhotoFilePath, upload a profile photo for the user using the Add-PhotoToUserAccount function.            
 if(([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($profilePhotoFilePath))-eq $false)            
  Add-PhotoToUserAccount $currentUser $profilePhotoFilePath            
  Write-Host "Added profile picture for "([String]::Format("{0} {1}",$userObject.FirstName,$userObject.LastName)) -foregroundcolor Green;            

The Ensure-OUExists function

function Ensure-OUExists{            
   [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object]$path               
 $ou = $null;            
 $domain = get-addomain            
 if($domain.DistinguishedName -eq $path){return;}            
  #Check if the OU exists. If the OU doesn't exist, an exception is thrown, and the $ou variable will be null            
  $ou = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;            
  Write-Host "OU $path does not exist." -foregroundcolor DarkYellow;            
 if($ou -eq $null){            
  #Split the OU into two parts - the lowest OU in the path, and the remander of the OU path (the parent path)            
  #Then Call Ensure-OUExists passing it the parent OU path.             
  #Doing this, we can ensure the OU and any other OU's in the path are created.            
  $ouParent = [String]$path.Substring($path.IndexOf(",")+1);            
  $ouName = [String]$path.Substring(0,$path.IndexOf(",")).Replace("OU=","");            
  Ensure-OUExists $ouParent            
  New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $ouName -Path $ouParent            
  Write-Host "Created OU: $path" -foregroundcolor Green;              

The Add-PhotoToUserAccount function

function Add-PhotoToUserAccount            
   [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADAccount]$Identity,            
  #Use the Set-ADUser cmdlet (part of the PowerShell Active Directory module) to upload the photo to the user accounts thumbnailPhoto attribute.            
  $Identity | Set-ADUser -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=([byte[]](Get-Content $fileName -Encoding byte))}            
  Write-Host "Set $fileName as the picture for"$Identity.Name"" -foregroundcolor Green;            
  Write-Host "Failed to set $fileName as the picture for"$Identity.Name -foregroundcolor DarkYellow;            

8. Configure SharePoint User Profile Synchronisation to import the users from Active Directory, including each users Thumbnail photo

In this step, configure the User Profile Application to import the user accounts from Active Directory.

In this example, the Locations OU (which contains all of the user accounts in Sub-OU's) is selected as the source for importing user accounts.

Configure the User Profile properties, to ensure the Active Directory thumbnailPhoto is imported with the user accounts into the SharePoint User Profile store.

Click Manage User Properties, and then select Edit from the Picture profile property dropdown menu.

Configure the Property Mapping for Synchronization to Import the Active Directory thumbnailPhoto attribute to the Picture profile property. Then click save to update the property.

Finally, start a full profile synchronisation.

9. Run Update-SPProfilePhotoStore to create the profile photo variations

After the profile synchronisation has completed, run Update-SPProfilePhotoStore to create the profile photo variations. Depending on the performance of your SharePoint server, this can take 5 - 10 minutes.

Update-SPProfilePhotoStore -CreateThumbnailsForImportedPhotos $true -MySiteHostLocation "http://ms13"

After the Update-SPProfilePhotoStore cmdlet completes (this can take a while), run a full crawl against the user profile store (from the SharePoint Search Application).

After the full crawl has completed, view the search results!

See Also
