PowerShell: Use the Wmiclass Accelerator to Query a Remote Host
You can use the Get-WMIObject cmdlet on a local host to perform a WMI query.
For example:
Get-WmiObject -query "Select PartialProductKey,Description from SoftwareLicensingProduct where productkeyid is not null"
But how do you query a remote machine? By using PowerShell with the WMISearcher!
Here's an example of how to perform a WMI query against a remote machine called DexterDC:
$hostname = "DexterDC"
$searcher = [wmisearcher]"Select ClientMachineID,RemainingWindowsReArmCount from SoftwareLicensingService"
$searcher.scope.path = "\\$Hostname\root\cimv2"
- Link to the Question asked on Technet Forum which made me discover this.