Exchange 2010 DAG database corruption Event ids: 1108 & 115
Issue- Exchange 2010 DAG database corruption issue
Symptoms:- Database was getting dismounted for a minute in every 20-30 minutes of time. During dismount state database replay the new logs and mount DB automatically once replay process completes. There were floods of 1108 & 115 errors on server where active database copy resides..
Fix:- As a part of fix this need many steps such as failover to passive copy, Remount the database, Reset the log/check point and few others however issue fixed when New-mailboxrepair command was executed to repair the database corruption
New-MailboxRepairRequest -database "DBNAME" -CorrutionType ProvisionedFolder, SearchFolder, aggregateCounts, Folderview
This command took 5 hours against 730 GB of database and fixed all type of logical corruption in database and fixed this issue.
Note:- Repair request command can be run for particular mailbox to repair the corruption.
Fore more information please read below Articles.