Hyper-V, PowerShell, and WMI
Let's use this article to provide quick Hyper-V tasks in PowerShell.
Get a list of virtual machines on a Hyper-V parent
# This can be run locally or against a remote parent. Use "." for local
$VMs = gwmi MSVM_ComputerSystem -computer "<computername>" -namespace "root\virtualization"
ForEach ( $vm in $VMs) {
if ($vm.name -ne $vm.elementname) { #skip the parent's name
$vm .elementname
From the above, we can see that the list of $VMs is a list of objects. To get an object for an individual VM, we can go use:
$vm = Get-WMIObject MSVM_ComputerSystem -namespace root\virtualization -filter "ElementName = 'vmname' "
To start a VM we need to change its EnabledState to "2". So:
$vmName = $args[0]
if (! $vmName ) {
$vmName = read-host "Which Virtual Machine do you wish to start? "
$vm = gwmi -namespace root\virtualization Msvm_ComputerSystem -filter "ElementName='$vmName' "
if ( $vm.EnabledState -eq 2 ) {
write-host "The virtual machine $vmName is already running."
} else {
$vm .RequestStateChange(2)
Shutdown a single virtual machine on the local parent
# Shutdown a virtual machine. Based on initial idea from Tony Soper.
# Expects a VM name as an argument, or prompts for the name.
$vmName = $args[0]
if (! $vmName ) {
$vmName = read-host "Which Virtual Machine do you wish to shut down?"
write-host "Shutting down $vm for system maintenance"
# Get the VM by name and request state to change to Enabled
$vm = gwmi -namespace root\virtualization Msvm_ComputerSystem -filter "ElementName='$vmName'"
# Get the associated Shutdown Component
$shutdown = gwmi -namespace root\virtualization -query "Associators of {$vm} where ResultClass=Msvm_ShutdownComponent"
if (! $shutdown ) {
write-host "Virtual machine $vmName is already shut down."
} else {
# Initiate a forced shutdown with simple reason string, return resulting error code
return $shutdown.InitiateShutdown($true,"System Maintenance")
To Create a VHD:
$vhdsvc = gwmi -class "Msvm_ImageManagementService" -name root\virtualization
$DynVHD = $vhdsvc.CreateDynamicVirtualHardDisk("E:\Test\Test-Sys.vhd", 120GB) #Create 120Gb Dynamic VHD
$FixedVHD = $vhdsvc.CreateFixedVirtualHardDisk("E:\Test\Test-Data.vhd",40GB) #Create 40GB Fixed VHD
$vhdJob = [wmi]$FixedVHD.job # Job Status for creating the VHD
For more Hyper-V powerShell scripts, such as List virtual machines in a hyper-v host cluster Seehttp://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/hyper-v-scripts.aspx
A really useful module for use with Hyper-V and PowerShell is on CodePlex at: http://pshyperv.codeplex.com/