Create Logical Network and network site in SCVMM 2012 using powershell
Hey folks
You must be creating logical networks and network sites in SCVMM from UI But I thought it will be a good idea to powershell it . This will help when creating and destroying test environments
Import-Module virtualmachinemanager
$name = Read-Host " Enter the Logical network name "
$sitename = Read-Host " Enter the site name"
$management= Read-Host " Enter the management network full subnet e.g"
$managementVLAN = Read-host "Enter the management VLAN ID"
$livemigration = Read-Host " Enter the live migration full subnet e.g"
$livemigrationVLAN = Read-host "Enter the live migration VLAN ID"
$clusternetwork = Read-Host " Enter the Cluster heartbeat network full subnet e.g"
$clusternetworkVLAN = Read-host "Enter the Clusternetwork VLAN ID"
$allHostGroups = @()
$allHostGroups += Get-SCVMHostGroup -Name "All Hosts"
$allSubnetVlan = @()
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet $management -VLanID $managementVLAN
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet $livemigration -VLanID $livemigrationVLAN
$allSubnetVlan += New-SCSubnetVLan -Subnet $clusternetwork -VLanID $clusternetworkVLAN
$logicalNetwork = New-SCLogicalNetwork -Name $name -LogicalNetworkDefinitionIsolation $true -EnableNetworkVirtualization $false -UseGRE $false -IsPVLAN $false
New-SCLogicalNetworkDefinition -Name $sitename -LogicalNetwork $logicalNetwork -VMHostGroup $allHostGroups -SubnetVLan $allSubnetVlan -RunAsynchronously