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Powershell - Add page file Disk and set the page file on a VM inSCVMM 2012


I was looking at writing a script to add a separate disk to a VM and mount it , format it and set it as Page file on your VM .  This script will do the Maths and select the page file 2 times as your VM memory and format it as 1.95 times leaving some room for NTFS partition.   It will let you remote onto the VM using local administrator credentials and formats the drive and set it as page file drive as well .

Copy and paste the below code and I hope you will like it



$JobGroupID = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() 
$vmname = Read-Host " Enter the VMNAME"
$username = $vmname + "\Administrator"
$cre = Get-Credential -UserName $username -Message " Enter the local administrator"
$memory = Get-SCVirtualMachine -name $vmname | select memory | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders 
$VM = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name $vmname 
refresh-VM -VM $vm 
Shutdown-VM -vm $VM 
$memory = @() 
$memory += Get-SCVirtualMachine -name $vmname | select memory  
$memory = [string]$memory 
$memory = $memory.trimstart('@{Memory=') 
$memory = $memory.replace('}', '') 
[String[]]$memory = $memory 
$memory = [string]$memory 
$pagefilesize =   2 *"$memory"
$filename= $vmname +"_Pagefile"
New-SCVirtualDiskDrive  -IDE -Bus 1 -LUN 1 -JobGroup $jobGroupID -VirtualHardDiskSizeMB $pagefilesize -Dynamic -Filename $filename -VolumeType None -VirtualHardDiskFormatType VHD 
Set-SCVirtualMachine -VM $VM -Name $vmname -Description "" -JobGroup $jobGroupID -RunAsynchronously   
sleep -Seconds 20 
Start-SCVirtualMachine -VM $VM  
Write-host " Waiting for VM to power On . Disk initializing will start in a moment "  -BackgroundColor Magenta 
sleep -Seconds 180 
###################### Initialize the Disks############################################## 
$pagefilesize =[system.math]:: Round( 1.95* "$memory")  
$pagefilesize = [int] $pagefilesize 
Write-host " now the drive is getting monuted,formated and pagefile getting assigned" -BackgroundColor Magenta 
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $vmname -Credential $cre  
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { Param($pagefilesize) 
get-disk | where number -EQ 0 |  set-disk -IsOffline $false 
Get-Disk | Where number -eq 0 | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition  -DriveLetter P -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "Pagefile"  -Confirm:$false
     $ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -EnableAllPrivileges 
    {$ComputerSystem.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false 
$ComputerSystem.Put() } 
    $CurrentPageFile = gwmi -Query "select * from Win32_PageFileSetting where name='c:\\pagefile.sys'" -EnableAllPrivileges 
# Delete current paging file on drive C 
swmi win32_pageFileSetting -Arguments  @{Name='P:\pagefile.sys';} 
 $pagefile = Get-WmiObject win32_pagefilesetting 
$pagefile.initialsize = [int]$pagefilesize 
$pagefile.MaximumSize = [int]$pagefilesize 
}-ArgumentList $pagefilesize