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Skype Integration in WPF Applications


Skype has become one of the prominent application for video calling, messaging etc. Interfacing skype with other application has become a necessary feature these days for application that involves the capability to chat, call etc. Skype has a good support to integrate it with web applications. But when it comes to windows application the support is very minimal. In this article I will take a walk-through by providing you one of the methods to integrate skype with WPF application using a COM interface.

You can download the source code from here,
Skype Integration

Creating a WPF Project:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Choose File -> New -> Project in the main menu. Choose "WPF Application" as project type.
  3. Choose a folder for your project and give it a name. Then press "OK"

Adding Skype4COM in your Application:

1.)    Install Skype. You can Download Skype from the following URL:

2.)    After installing the Skype Application. Locate the COM Component Skype4Com in your machine. If you have Skype installed in C drive. It will be located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype”

3.)    After Register the Component to Windows Machine using the following steps*** ***

For 32-bits OS:

  1. copy Skype4COM.dll to your c:\windows\system32 folder
  2. Open an Elevated CMD.exe (right click cmd.exe and choose 'Run as Administrator')
  3. Set current Path to C:\Windows\System32
  4. execute regsvr32.exe Skype4COM.dll

For 64-bits OS:

  1. Copy**  Skype4COM.dll to your c:\windows\SysWOW64 folder**
  2. Open an Elevated CMD.exe (right click cmd.exe and choose 'Run as Administrator')
  3. Set current Path to C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  4. execute regsvr32.exe Skype4COM.dll

4.)    Now right click the project and select Add Reference. In the References section you will see the SKYPE4COMLib Missing. Now Right click “References -> Add Reference”

5.)    In the Reference Manager Dialog. Under “COM -> Type Libraries” Section you can see Skype component registered. Select the ***“Skype4Com 1.0 Type Library” ***and Click OK.

Code Snippets:

Creating a Instance of Skype

public Skype Skype
 Skype = new SKYPE4COMLib.Skype();
 Skype.Attach(7, false);

**Log In into Skype Client:


/* Starts the Skype Client. If the User is not Logged in, it prompts the Login Dialog*/
/* you can also open the authorization dialog by passing the username */

Get the List of Friends:

public List<Friend> GetFriends()
            var friends = new  List<Friend>();
            var users = Skype.Friends.OfType<SKYPE4COMLib.User>();
            foreach (var user in users)
                var avatarSavePath = @"C:\Skype\Images\" + user.Handle + ".jpg";
                SaveSkypeAvatarToDisk(user.Handle, avatarSavePath);
                friends.Add(new Friend { About = user.About, Aliases = user.Aliases, Birthday = user.Birthday, City = user.City, Country = user.Country, DisplayName = user.DisplayName, FullName = user.FullName, Handle = user.Handle, MoodText = user.MoodText, NumberOfAuthBuddies = user.NumberOfAuthBuddies, OnlineStatus = user.OnlineStatus, RichMoodText = user.RichMoodText, Sex = user.Sex, ProfilePicture = new  ProfilePicture { UserName = user.Handle, ProfilePicturePath = avatarSavePath } });
            return friends;

Saving the Avatar Image of the User:

void SaveSkypeAvatarToDisk(string userHandle, string rootedPathFileName)
            if (!System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(rootedPathFileName))
                throw new  ArgumentException("Filename does not contain full path!", "rootedPathFileName");
            if (!".jpg".Equals(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(rootedPathFileName)))
                throw new  ArgumentException("Filename does not represent jpg file!", "rootedPathFileName");
            SKYPE4COMLib.Command command0 = new  SKYPE4COMLib.Command();
            command0.Command = string.Format("GET USER {0} Avatar 1 {1}", userHandle, rootedPathFileName);

Friend Class:

public class  Friend : INotifyPropertyChanged
      private string  about;
      private string  aliases;
      private DateTime birthday;
      private string  city;
      private string  country;
      private string  displayName;
      private string  fullName;
      private string  handle;
      private string  moodText;
      private int  numberOfAuthBuddies;
      private TOnlineStatus onlineStatus;
      private ProfilePicture profilePicture;
      private string  richMoodText;
      private TUserSex sex;
      public string  About
              return about;
              about = value;
      public string  Aliases
              return aliases;
              aliases = value;
      public DateTime Birthday
              return birthday;
              birthday = value;
      public string  City
              return city;
              city = value;
      public string  Country
              return country;
              country = value;
      public string  DisplayName
              return displayName;
              displayName = value;
      public string  FullName
              return fullName;
              fullName = value;
      public string  Handle
              return handle;
              handle = value;
      public string  MoodText
              return moodText;
              moodText = value;
      public int  NumberOfAuthBuddies
              return numberOfAuthBuddies;
              numberOfAuthBuddies = value;
      public TOnlineStatus OnlineStatus
              return onlineStatus;
              onlineStatus = value;
      public ProfilePicture ProfilePicture
              return profilePicture;
              profilePicture = value;
      public string  RichMoodText
              return richMoodText;
              richMoodText = value;
      public TUserSex Sex
              return sex;
              sex = value;
      public event  PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
      public void  OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
          var handler = this.PropertyChanged;
          if (handler != null)
              this.PropertyChanged(this, new  PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

**Controlling Skype Client:

/* Starts the Skype Client. If the User is not Logged in, it prompts the Login Dialog*/
/* Shutdowns the Skype Client */
/* Set the Focus of the Skype Application */
/* Checks whether skype is running */

**Controlling Skype Dialogs: (Just listed important dialogs still a lot exist in the Skype4COM)

/* opens the Chat Windows for the friend */
 Skype.Client.OpenMessageDialog("friend username");
 /* Opens the Conference dialog */
 /* opens the Add contact dialog */
 /* Opens call history tab */
 /* opens contacts tab */
 /* opens Authorization dialog for the given username */
 /* Open Blocked users dialog */
 /* opens the Dialpad */
 /* opens Imports the Contacts Wizard */
 /* opens Profile dialog for the current logged in user */
 /* Opens Search dialog */

You can download the sample Code from the following link
Skype Integration