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SharePoint 2007 / 2010 Tutorial: Using the SharePoint List Field Manager

This TechNet article is an introductory tutorial the CodePlex Project: SharePoint List Field Manager. A TechNet review article on this project has been published on this link.

The List Field Manager is an easy tool to use, so the tutorial will be brief.  The article will cover web part installation, then activation and will look at some best practice ideas around it.

Installing the SharePoint List Field Manager

Activating & using the SharePoint List Field Manager

The List Field Manager is a site collection feature and should be activated as such.  It activates with no problems.  This will be the same for both SharePoint 2007 & SharePoint 2010.  The end product is a web part that you deploy and use to configure your lists: -

  • Navigate to Site Actions à Site Settings à Site Collection Features and activate the web part.  It is listed under SharePoint List Field Manager.
  • Now that the web part is available it will be in the Web Part Gallery.  It will appear under the SharePoint Management category
  • Once the web part has been added to a web part zone you can feed it the URL of the site where you want to manage the lists.   Please be aware that you cannot access lists in other sites if you are using the SharePoint 2010 SandBox deployment.  Either way  click on Display Lists
  • The web part reloads with a List drop down, which is populated with all available lists for the site that was selected.  Select a list and then click on Display Fields
  • This will reload the web part again with a second drop down list from which you can select the field that you want to modify.  Make the appropriate choice and then click Display Field Settings
  • The web part reloads again with all available options for that field.  The end configuration will look like this

Best Practice / Suggestions

These are suggestions and ideas regarding best practice for the SharePoint List Manager.  Please feel free to edit this part of the article with your own submissions.  The current suggestions are: -

  • Best Practice #1: Customising a View field to act as an List Admin Page

Best Practice #1: Setting up a List Admin Page

A useful trick I’ve found is to place the List View Manager within a page that’s associated with its usage.  This simply consists clearing out the contents of a View Page and adding the web part in its place.

  • Within your list or library enter the List Settings and scroll down to the Views Section
  • Click on Create view.  This loads a new page where you select the view format
  • Click on Standard View
  • This loads a new page where the view is configured.  Forget about configuring anything here; just call the view something like List Field Admin Page.  This can also be set up as a personal view.  Click OK.  This loads a new page with the standard view
  • On this page, get into the page editing mode via Site Actions à Edit Page
  • Edit the web part from this view and set the hidden field under the Layout options
  •  Add the List Field Manager and move this to the top of the page
  • You will now have an administration view with the List Field Manager present for future configuration
  1. Original Blog Post
  2. CodePlex List Field Manager
  3. TechNet Wiki Review Article: SharePoint List Field Manager