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How to Post a FIM ScriptBox Script

The objective of this article is to explain how to post a FIM ScriptBox script that consists of a single Windows PowerShell script file.
To get an overview of existing FIM ScriptBox scripts, click here

Sharing a FIM PowerShell with your FIM community is a very easy.

To develop your Wiki article, you should use the FIM ScriptBox Article Template.
All, you need to prepare is a little summary that describes what your script does and shows how to call it if it requires parameters.

To add your PowerShell script code to your article, use the PowerShell script included in How to Include PowerShell Script Code Into a Wiki Article.

** To create your ScriptBox Wiki article:**

  1. On the Wiki Portal page, click Post an article or use this link.
  2. In the Title text box, type the title of your article.
  3. The title should start with "How to Use PowerShell to"
  4. Copy the content of your template, and then paste it into your new article
  5. Use the PowerShell conversion script to copy your PowerShell script code into your clipboard, and then paste it into your article
  6. In the Tags textbox, type FIM, FIM ScriptBox Item, FIM How To Script, PowerShell.
  7. To post your article, click Save.

When your new ScriptBox article has been posted, you should let the community know how to find it.
How To Post a Wiki Article Announcement to the FIM Forum provides you with the details on how to do this.

 See Also:



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