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Operations Manager: How to monitor Windows Services

There are many posts on internet which describe how to monitor windows services using scripts, but in my case i used ready Windows Services Wizard to add what services i need to monitor, it is long way to configure all services but the best you will only configure the service you need on one server and OPM will do the rest of work :) as it will add same service from other servers already under monitor:)

To monitor services just follow below steps:

1- Open Operations Manager Console.

2- Navigate to Authoring tap and under Management Tap template click Windows Service.

3- Right click and click Add monitor wizard.  

4- From welcome page select Windows Service and click Next.

5- Type The service name in my case i will monitor Microsoft Exchange Transport service, management pack you can select default management pack then click Next.

6- On service name field click selection button type computer name for any Exchange server you monitor and press enter then select the service, for Targeted Computer you can select All Windows Computers then click Next.

7- Configure performance threads you want and click Next then create.

Now we will create new State view under Monitoring tap so we can view all added services.

1- Under Monitoring tap right click and select New state view.

2- Under state view configuration type State view name "Windows Services", under Show data related to click selection button the click View All targets and search for Windows Service select and click OK.

3- In View properties check all information and click OK.

4- You can personalize the view of State view by right click on the view then click personalize view add column you need arrange as you need and also you can make grouping.

5- Here we are now :)