Invoke a SQL Stored Procedure on the BizTalk WCF Send Port without Needing an Orchestration
There was a scenario in BizTalk where we needed to insert data into a database by executing an existing stored procedure that accepts XML as input parameter.
The input XML message in my case was already being published to BizTalk message box but in general it can be coming from any other source – may be a file share or from another database or something else.
WCF adapter is best suited for the same. But we needed to create an orchestration that would define the ‘operation’ to be performed on database (which is executing a stored procedure in this case). This orchestration will then will be bound to a WCF Custom (SQL) adapter on send port.
An alternative method of not using the orchestration is to use ‘Template’ feature of WCF adapter. Template is mainly used to add wrapper elements around the body of the outgoing message from send port.
The below example illustrates how can we use this feature to execute the stored procedure using WCF send port without need of orchestration. This takes an XML has input and pass this to stored procedure using WCF send port
Create database table and stored procedure
Create a database table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[WCFTable]( [Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] [nvarchar](20) NULL, [Date] [datetime] NULL, [Period] [int] NULL, [Value] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
Create a stored procedure that accepts XML as input parameter and populates the table
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertSeries] @SeriesData XML AS Declare @SeriesName nvarchar(50) Declare @Date Datetime Declare @PeriodNumber int Declare @PeriodValue int DECLARE @LoopCount int DECLARE @ConditionCount int Declare @ObservationNullValue nvarchar(max) Declare @XmlObservationDate xml DECLARE @RowCount int DECLARE @TempTable TABLE(RowID int not null identity(1,1), PeriodNumber int not null,PeriodValue int not null) BEGIN --Extract the values from XML SELECT @SeriesName = nref.value('(Name)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)'), @Date = nref.value('(Date)[1]', 'datetime') FROM @SeriesData.nodes('declare namespace BTS="http://testwcf.sourceschema/"; //BTS:Source') AS R(nref) --Inserts repeating node values from Xml into Table Variable INSERT INTO @TempTable (PeriodNumber, PeriodValue) (SELECT nref.value('(Number)[1]', 'int') Period, nref.value('(Value)[1]', 'nvarchar(20)') Value FROM @SeriesData.nodes('//Period') AS R(nref)) SET @ConditionCount = 1 SELECT @LoopCount=COUNT(RowID) FROM @TempTable WHILE(@LoopCount>0) BEGIN SELECT @PeriodNumber =PeriodNumber , @PeriodValue = PeriodValue FROM @TempTable WHERE (RowID = @ConditionCount) --You may write any custom logic based on the requirement BEGIN --Insert new row INSERT INTO dbo.[WCFTable](Name ,Date ,Period,Value) VALUES(@SeriesName,@Date,@PeriodNumber,@PeriodValue) END SET @LoopCount = @LoopCount - 1 SET @ConditionCount = @ConditionCount + 1 END END
Create BizTalk Application
- Create a new BizTalk Project in Visual Studio
- Add a new XML Schema which has following field elements:
- Name ( String)
- Date ( Date time)
- Period- Repeating node
- Number ( Int)
- Value ( int)
- Now compile and deploy the BizTalk application. Let's name the application as WCF.SQLOperations
- Create a new receive port and receive location under the newly deployed application and set the following properties:
- Receive Port Name: WCF.ReceiveInputMesssagePort
- Receive location:
- Name: WCF.Receive
- Transport Type: File
- Receive Pipeline: XML receive
- Create Send port:
- Static one way send port
- Name: WCF.InvokeSP
- Filter: BTS.ReceivePortName= “WCF.ReceiveInputMesssagePort”
- Transport Type_ WCF Custom, Set Properties as follows:
- General:
- Address URI: mssql:<DatabaseInstance>/<DatabaseName>
- Action: Procedure/<SchemaName><StoredProcedureName>
- General:
- Bindings:
- Binding Type: SQLBindings
- Set default settings (You may change time out settings based on requirements)
- Message:
Use Template option
Specify template in following format
<ns0:StoredProcedureName xmlns:ns0=""><ns0:InputParameterName><bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="string"/></ns0: InputParameterName ></ns0: StoredProcedureName >
For example, in this case format will be:<ns0:InsertSeries xmlns:ns0=""><ns0:SeriesData><bts-msg-body xmlns="" encoding="string"/></ns0:SeriesData></ns0:InsertSeries>
Click OK.
Now drop following input file:
<ns0:Source xmlns:ns0="http://testwcf.sourceschema/"> <Name>WCFTest</Name> <Date>12-Aug-2013</Date> <Period> <Number>1</Number><Value>12</Value></Period><Period><Number>2</Number><Value>13 </Value></Period><Period> <Number>3</Number><Value>14</Value></Period</ns0:Source>
Within a few moments, the data will be inserted into the target table.
It's worth mentioning that if you have lot of complex logic on database side, using SQL stored procedure will be a better option and will be better in terms of maintainability and performance as well. Though you will need to make sure you are using right SQL isolation level on the send port.
See Also
Another important place to find a huge amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.