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SharePoint 2007 Troubleshooting: You do not have the necessary permissions to use the '<ListName>' object


Connecting a List to Access database throws an error message.

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the ' ' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establishes the appropriate permissions for you.


One of my clients trying to connect a SharePoint List by MS Access. After waiting some time, getting error message specified above. Also getting the same error message when trying to connect to MS Access from SharePoint by converting the list to data sheet view.

System Information

Windows XP

  • Office 2007
  • Access 2007
  • Access 2010
  • SharePoint 2007



  • Tried to save list as a template and created a new list issue persist in both cases when saved with content and without content.
  • Tried to connect same list to excel and did not work.
  • Tried repairing the office suit, didn’t work at all.
  • This seems to be clearly an issue with the SharePoint List.



Tried looking at columns side of the list and did some deep dive based of the exact error were getting and found the below KB from MS, which was the resolution of the problem and gave a clear instructions to reproduce the issue.

Checked the columns names on the List and Valla, there were two columns which were using more than 64 characters in it title field.

Eliminating them from the list and connecting List again from MS Access to SharePoint does work and vice verse.

Applies to

Windows SharePoint Service 3.0, MOSS 2007, MS Access 2007 and MS Access 2010.