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Small Basic Sample: GameGraphics


 Import to Small Basic : XZG681-11

'Sample program to demonstate virtually all of the SmallBasic GraphicsWindow commands
'Includes use of Shapes, Images, Arrays, Mouse and Keyboard control
'Does all of the main features required to write games using basic examples
'You will need to look at the code to see what is supposed to happen and how it is done
'Play with it, change it, break it then fix it
'Create a graphics window
'Keep it hidden till we want to show it
'Give it a title
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Graphics Window Example"
'Set its size and position (use variables gw and gh because they may be useful later)
gw = 800
gh = 600
GraphicsWindow.Width = gw
GraphicsWindow.Height = gh
'The top and left = 4 position the window neatly in the top left of the screen
GraphicsWindow.Top = 4
GraphicsWindow.Left = 4
'Set a background colour
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "LightBlue"
'Set it so it cannot be resized
GraphicsWindow.CanResize = "False"
'Show the window
'Goto end
'Create a red ball of diameter 50 (radius 25) and place it in the middle of the window (leave it there for 5 seconds)
radius = 25
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Red"
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Black"
' We set the position to be the (screen centre - radius), since the screen position is defined as the top left of the ball
ball = Shapes.AddEllipse(2*radius,2*radius)
Program.Delay(5000) ' 5000 milliseconds = 5 seconds
'Move the ball randomly by animation 10 times (once per second)
For i =  1 To 10
  x = Math.GetRandomNumber(gw)
  y = Math.GetRandomNumber(gh)
  Program.Delay(1000) ' We have to delay (pause) to wait for the animation to finish
'Move the ball to follow the mouse for 10 seconds
start = Clock.Second
time = 0
While (time  < 10)
  xm = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
  ym = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
  time = Clock.Second - start
  'If we go over the minute then seconds go back to 0 so add 60 seconds
  If (time  < 0) Then
    time = time+60
  'Display the mouse coordinates - first overwrite the last output
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor
  GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor
  GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Black"
  GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 20
'Use 10 balls and move the one selected by the mouse left down (delete with right down)
'Run until all balls are deleted
'The moved balls change colour
'Create an array of 10 balls and their random positions
nball = 10
For i =  1 To nball
  GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "LightGreen"
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Black"
  x[i] = radius  + Math.GetRandomNumber(gw-2*radius)
  y[i] = radius  + Math.GetRandomNumber(gh-2*radius)
  ball = Shapes.AddEllipse(2*radius,2*radius)
  balls[i] = ball
start = Clock.Second
iball = 0
While (nball  > 0)
  If (Mouse.IsLeftButtonDown = "True") Then
    xm = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
    ym = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
    'If no ball selected, then check if we are over one
    If (iball  = 0) Then
      For i =  1 To nball
        If (xm  >= x[i]-radius And xm  <= x[i]+radius And ym  >= y[i]-radius And ym  <= y[i]+radius) Then
          iball = i
          'To change the colour we delete it and replace it with a new ball
          GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Pink"
          balls[iball] = Shapes.AddEllipse(2*radius,2*radius)
          'We are finished and don't want to continue checking since we have already deleted a ball so end this loop
          Goto completed1
    'Move selected ball
    If (iball  > 0) Then
      ball = balls[iball]
      x[iball] = xm
      y[iball] = ym
    'drop current ball
    iball = 0
  'Delete a ball with right click
  If (Mouse.IsRightButtonDown = "True") Then
    xm = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
    ym = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
    For i =  1 To nball
      If (xm  >= x[i]-radius And xm  <= x[i]+radius And ym  >= y[i]-radius And ym  <= y[i]+radius) Then
        'Remove the displayed object
        'Now remove the array element i - we do this by overwriting it with the balls further up the array
        For j =  i To nball-1
          balls[j] = balls[j+1]
          x[j] = x[j+1]
          y[j] = y[j+1]
        'Delete the last ball (now moved up the array 1 place)
        balls[nball] = ""
        x[nball] = ""
        y[nball] = ""
        'Reduce the count of balls
        nball = nball-1
        'We are finished and don't want to continue checking since we have already deleted a ball so end this loop
        Goto completed2
'Replace the ball with an image and move with arrow keys for 20 seconds
'Delete the last ball and set a new one as a downloaded image - get its radius
image = ImageList.LoadImage("")
ball = Shapes.AddImage(image)
radius = ImageList.GetWidthOfImage(image)/2
'Set variables to say if keys are pressed or not
keyLeft  = 0
keyRight  = 0
keyUp = 0
keyDown  = 0
'Start an event for keydown and keyup
GraphicsWindow.KeyDown = OnKeyDown
GraphicsWindow.KeyUp = OnKeyUp
'Use the event to set the keypress flags - these are only called when a key is pressed or released
Sub OnKeyDown
  key = GraphicsWindow.LastKey
  If (key  = "Left") Then
    keyLeft = 1
  ElseIf (key  = "Right") Then
    keyRight = 1
  ElseIf (key  = "Up") Then
    keyUp = 1
  ElseIf (key  = "Down") Then
    keyDown = 1
Sub OnKeyUp
  key = GraphicsWindow.LastKey
  If (key  = "Left") Then
    keyLeft = 0
  ElseIf (key  = "Right") Then
    keyRight = 0
  ElseIf (key  = "Up") Then
    keyUp = 0
  ElseIf (key  = "Down") Then
    keyDown = 0
'Start in window centre
x = gw/2
y = gh/2
start = Clock.Second
time = 0
While (time  < 20)
  'Update position if a key is currently down
  If (keyLeft  = 1) Then
    x = x-1
  If (keyRight  = 1) Then
    x = x+1
  If (keyUp  = 1) Then
    y = y-1 ' The pixes for the window increase downwards from the top
  If (keyDown  = 1) Then
    y = y+1
  'Check for ball leaving screen - reneter other side
  If (x < 0) Then
    x = gw
  If (x > gw)  Then
    x = 0
  If (y < 0) Then
    y = gh
  If (y > gh)  Then
    y = 0
  'Move the ball to the new position
  'Put a small delay in - the computer is too quick - this controls the update rate (frames per second)
  'This is not the true fps since it doesn't account for the time drawing etc
  fps = 500
  time = Clock.Second - start
  'If we go over the minute then add 60 seconds
  If (time  < 0) Then
    time = time+60
'Now use the arrow keys to accelerate the ball and run until 50 wall hits (almost the same code)
'We can use the keyboard events unchanged
'Reverse spin the ball when we hit a boundary
'Start in window centre
x = gw/2
y = gh/2
'Zero initial velocity
u = 0
v = 0
start = Clock.Second
spin = 0.0 'Ball spin rate (Positive is anticlockwise)
angle = 0
hits = 0
While (hits  < 50)
  'Update position if a key is currently down
  If (keyLeft  = 1) Then
    u = u-1
  If (keyRight  = 1) Then
    u = u+1
  If (keyUp  = 1) Then
    v = v-1 ' The pixes for the window increase downwards from the top
  If (keyDown  = 1) Then
    v = v+1
  'Update position - divide by 500 to stop the acceleration being too extreme
  'we can do gravity, friction etc here if we want
  x = x+u/500
  y = y+v/500
  'Check for ball leaving screen - bounce the ball this time - and spin it
  If (x < radius)  Then
    u = -u
    spin = spin+v
    hits = hits+1
  If (x > gw-radius) Then
    u = -u
    spin = spin-v
    hits = hits+1
  If (y < radius)  Then
    v = -v
    spin = spin-u
    hits = hits+1
  If (y > gh-radius) Then
    v = -v
    spin = spin+u
    hits = hits+1
  'Move the ball to the new position
  'Rotate the ball with the current spin direction
  angle = angle+0.001*spin
  'Put a small delay in - the computer is too quick - this controls the update rate (frames per second)
  'This is not the true fps since it doesn't account for the time drawing etc
  fps = 500
'Create an array of 10 randomly sized and coloured rotating boxes, then delete them when clicked with the mouse
'Create arrays of boxes and their positions and sizes
For i =  1 To 10
  x[i] = 20+Math.GetRandomNumber(gw-60) ' not too close the the screen edge
  y[i] = 20+Math.GetRandomNumber(gh-60)
  w[i] = 10+Math.GetRandomNumber(30)
  h[i] = 10+Math.GetRandomNumber(30)
  GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = GraphicsWindow.GetRandomColor()
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Black"
  box = Shapes.AddRectangle(w[i],h[i])
  'Note x[i],y[i] are top left of box, not its centre
  boxes[i] = box
  display[i] = 1  ' flag that box is displayed
'Start a mouse click event
GraphicsWindow.MouseDown = OnMouseDown
'Write the mouse click event to get coordinates of mouse click and set a flag that the mouse was clicked
clicked  = 0
Sub OnMouseDown
  xm = GraphicsWindow.MouseX
  ym = GraphicsWindow.MouseY
  clicked = 1
'Continue while boxes remain
nboxes = Array.GetItemCount(boxes)
angle = 0
While (nboxes  > 0)
  'Mouse was clicked
  If (clicked  = 1) Then
    'Check each box
    For i =  1 To Array.GetItemCount(boxes)
      'Only look for remaining displayed boxes
      If (display[i] = 1) Then
        box = boxes[i]
        'Since the boxes are rotating use the maximum size to check for click region
        'This is not exactly correct for rotating boxes but often in games efficient is more important than absolute correctness
        dmax = Math.Max(w[i],h[i])
        If (xm  >= x[i] And xm  <= x[i]+dmax And ym  >= y[i] And ym  <= y[i]+dmax) Then
          'Delete this box from display and reduce the box count by 1
          'Note the original arrays are not deleted since we are keeping track of box status using display[i]
          nboxes = nboxes-1
          display[i] = 0
    'Reset clicked flag to off since we have done everything with it
    clicked = 0
  'Rotate the boxes (even i anticlockwise, odd i clockwise - negative angle)
  For i =  1 To Array.GetItemCount(boxes)
    If (display[i] = 1) Then
      box = boxes[i]
  angle = angle+1
  Program.Delay(10) ' Small delay to keep the rotation smooth
'Finish up
image = ImageList.LoadImage("")
GraphicsWindow.FontSize = 100
GraphicsWindow.FontBold = "True"
GraphicsWindow.FontName = "Rockwell"
R = 255
G = 0
B = 0
dR = -1
dG = 2
dB = 3
clicked  = 0
While (clicked  = 0)
  'Change the red, green, blue components of the colour at different rates to get changing colours
  If (R < 0 Or  R > 255) Then
    dR = -dR
    R = R+dR
  If (G < 0 Or  G > 255) Then
    dG = -dG
    G = G+dG
  If (B < 0 Or  B > 255) Then
    dB = -dB
    B = B+dB
  colour = GraphicsWindow.GetColorFromRGB(R,G,B)
  GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = colour
  GraphicsWindow.DrawText(200,160,"All Done")
  GraphicsWindow.DrawText(100,340,"Click to Exit")
  GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 10
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = colour
  R = R+dR
  G = G+dG
  B = B+dB

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