How to Put a Sequence in a Column Already Filled
Suppose we would like to create a sequence in a table already filled with data. I found this solution to be pretty easy:
insert into seq values ('York'),('Boston'),('Chicago')
select * from seq
--step 1, I create a table and populate it with three rows now I count the rows
select count(*) from seq
--and start my sequence from the rowcount+1
create sequence myseq
as int
start with 4
increment by 1
--I add a new column
alter table seq
add conta int
--I add a constraint
alter table seq
add constraint addseq
default (next value for myseq) for [conta]
--Insert a new row
Insert into seq values ('Seattle',default)
--Select again
select * from seq
--as you can see we have three rows with null value. They are the rows inserted before the constraint
declare @co int
select @co=count(*) from seq where conta is null
declare @inc int
set @inc=1
while (@inc<=@co)
declare @city as nvarchar(10)
select top 1 @city=cok from seq where conta is null
update seq set conta=@inc where cok=@city
set @inc=@inc+1
--now all the rows follow a sequence
The first step is to count the already existing rows. The second step is to create a new column. The third (the most important) step is to create a sequence that starts from the count value +1. At this point the sequence starts but now we need to fill it with the null value. This short code is really useful for a lot of situations. We count the rows one by one and we update the rows (in this case from 1 to rowcount). This code can also be used when you want to create a new sequence without creating a sequence ( if you don't care to insert any other row you can use the code to populate the column with an incremental order).
See Also
- Changing a column that is already populated into a column that uses a sequence
- Transact-SQL Portal
- [[T-SQL Useful Links]]