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SharePoint 2010: How to Set Metadata Properties using Powershell

How to Set Attributes of Metadata properties for more than one property:

 1. Reduce storage requirements for text properties by using a hash for comparison.


Export and Import the Metadata Properties.
Get all the properties to a txt file like MetadataProperties.txt.
Run the below command where it set the Reduce storage requirements for text properties by using a hash for comparison.

Get-Content MetadataProperties.txt | Foreach-Object {
$prop = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity $_ -SearchApplication "Search Service Application"
$prop.MaxCharactersInPropertyStoreIndex = 1

2. Add managed property to custom results set retrieved on each query. Note: Only the first 2 kilobytes of data is available for display by default.

Solution :

 After the import it automatically sets above parameter. To check whether it has set or not use the below command.

Get-Content MetadataProperties.txt | Foreach-Object { 
$prop = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity $_ -SearchApplication "Search Service Application"
$prop.PutInPropertyBlob | out-file c:\PutInPropertyBlob.txt -append

check the status True in the output file PutinPropertyBlob.txt

If it shows false, you use the below command to set as well.

Get-Content MetadataProperties.txt | Foreach-Object {
$prop = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Identity $_ -SearchApplication "Search Service Application"
$prop.PutInPropertyBlob = true 