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Storage Spaces Event 201: Physical drive has invalid meta-data

Event Details

Product: Microsoft Windows Operating System
Event ID: 201
Source: StorageSpaces-Driver
Version: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012; Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8
Level: Error
Message: Physical drive %1 has invalid meta-data. Resetting the health status, using command line or GUI, might bring the physical drive to the primordial pool. Return Code: %2


This topic describes how to troubleshoot physical drive meta-data corruption associated with StorageSpaces-Drivers event 201.


The metadata on a physical drive has become corrupt.


To resolve the problem, try resetting the drive by using Server Manager (on Windows Server), the Storage Spaces Control Panel, or the Reset-PhysicalDisk Windows PowerShell cmdlet. After you reset the drive, you might be able to add it back to the appropriate storage pool.


Resetting a drive is a destructive operation that removes the storage pool configuration and pool data from the specified physical drive.

See Also

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