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Binary and Back (Visual Basic) with Hex

Visual Basic Binary and Back Converter (Now with Hex!)

I have decided to write a binary to decimal and decimal to binary converter because of the demand from Visual Basic users having asked questions or talked about it on the Visual Basic forums. I decided to make the code easy to understand to show that binary is not hard to do in Visual Basic. In fact this took about all of an hour to throw together and it does have basic error checking (could add more error checking later to improve it if someone wishes).  The code mentioned below will convert from binary to decimal (or integer) and vice-versa. Now, I have added a Hexadecimal section for anyone needing to see the binary in Hex! Same limitations of 255 is the maximum decimal allowed at the moment but you can easily change that by modifying the powers variables.

Notes: This is a single byte conversion with 8 bits so the integer ends at 255. This can be extended but  I wanted to make it simple to understand.


What must be done?



A. Summary

 In the below code for converting decimal to binary, I do a countdown of the numbers 128,64,32,16,8,4,2, and use a 1 to determine the binary numbers that will be used. I subtracted from each number that is lower then the number given in the textbox until the textbox number equals zero.  It skips over the numbers in powers array that are less then the textbox number. For instance, put 128 into the textbox and it can only subtract from 128 so you should get 10000000 in the binary textbox or 128-128 = 0. Another instance is suppose you have 129 you should get 10000001 in binary. As you can see from the code binaryplaceholder holds the binary version of the decimal number until it get put into the binary textbox. As you can see mathplaceholder counts down through the number from decimal to binary. mathplaceholder gets counted down until the number inside equals zero and then everything subtracted after that equals zero and cannot be subtracted from so its 0 in binary.  Please look at Figure 1 at the table for a better idea of the conversion process I am talking about.


B. Integer Code

      If CInt(TxtDecimal.Text) <= 255 Then
                           If IsNumeric(TxtDecimal.Text) = True Then  
                               Dim powers() As Integer  = New  Integer(7) {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1}  
                               Dim binaryplaceholder As String  = ""  
                               If TxtDecimal.Text = "" Then  
                                   Exit Sub  
                               End If  
                               Dim mathplaceholder As Integer  
                               mathplaceholder =       CInt      (TxtDecimal.Text)      
                               Dim answer As Integer  
                               For i = 0 To 7  
                                   'if the number given to convert to binary is large enough to minus from then do it and put the result in answer variable      
                                   If mathplaceholder >= powers(i) Then  
                                       binaryplaceholder = binaryplaceholder +       CStr      (1)      
                                       answer = mathplaceholder - powers(i)      
                                       mathplaceholder = answer      
                                       binaryplaceholder = binaryplaceholder +       CStr      (0)      
                                   End If  
                               Next i  
                               TxtBinary.Text = binaryplaceholder.ToString      
                               Exit Sub  
                           End If  
                       End If  

Figure  1 - math for number 129 in binary

Math for binary conversion   128 64   32 16  4 2 1
 129 - 128 = 1  1  0  0  0  0  0  1
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 64 so its 0 (1-64 = -63)                
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 32 so its 0 (1-32 = -31)                
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 16 so its 0 (1-16 = -15)                
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 8 so its 0 (1-8 = -7)                
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 4 so its 0 (1-4 = -3)                
 1 cannot be subtracted evenly from 2 so its 0 (1-2 = -1)                
 1-1 = 0                


2. Binary to decimal code


A. Summary

The binary code does this vice-versa it counts up the 1's and 0's and assigns the correct number from powers2 array position. The catch is before I do the conversion I must have 8 characters and it will not convert less then 8 characters in the binary textbox. 

 B. Binary Code



      Dim powers2() As Integer  = New  Integer(7) {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1}
                   Dim binaryplaceholder2 As String  = ""  
                   If TxtBinary.Text = "" Then  
                       Exit Sub  
                   End If  
                   Dim values(7) As Integer  
                   Dim strvalues(7) As String  
                   Dim answer As Integer  = 0  
                   '  MsgBox("length of textbox:" + TxtBinary.Text.Length.ToString)      
                   For i = 0 To 7  
                       If TxtBinary.Text.Length >= 0 And TxtBinary.Text.Length <= 7 Then  
                           Exit Sub  
                       End If  
                       values(i) =       CInt      (TxtBinary.Text.Substring(i, 1))      
                       'if the number given to convert to binary is large enough to minus from then do it and put the result in answer variable      
                       If values(i) = 1 Then  
                           values(i) = powers2(i)      
                       End If  
                       answer = answer + values(i)      
                   Next i  
                   TxtDecimal.Text = answer.ToString      

3.  Binary to Hexadecimal


A. Summary

           The code below changes the binary code to hexadecimal and it has the same requirement that it must be 8 characters long (also called bits when you deal with them directly). As you can see in the first for loop, I step 4 so I can have 4 bits of the binary code at a time for converting to hexadecimal. The code adds up this 4 bits to produce an decimal or integer value. Which is then converted to Hexadecimal using the Hex function.

      B. Hexadecimal Code

Dim tempstr As String = TxtBinary.Text 
       Dim powers() As Integer = New Integer(7) {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1} 
       Dim powers2() As Integer = New Integer(3) {8, 4, 2, 1} 
       Dim hexvalues() As String = New String(14) {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"} 
       Dim answer2 As String = "" 
       Dim tmpanswer2 As Integer 
       Dim tmpbinary As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) 
       Dim values(7) As Integer 
       If TxtBinary.Text.Length >= 8 And tempstr <> "" Then 'only covert to hexidecimal if tempstr is not equal to nothing 
           For i = 0 To tempstr.Length - 1 Step 4 'add only 4 bits at a time of data 
               If i = tempstr.Length - 1 Then 
                   tmpbinary.Add(tempstr.Substring(i, 1)) 
                   tmpbinary.Add(tempstr.Substring(i, 4)) 
               End If 
           For i = 0 To tmpbinary.Count - 1 
               For j = 0 To 3 
                   values(j) = CInt(tmpbinary(i).Substring(j, 1)) 
                   'if the number given to convert to binary is large enough to minus from then do it and put the result in answer variable 
                   If values(j) = 1 Then 
                       values(j) = powers2(j) 
                   End If 
                   tmpanswer2 = tmpanswer2 + values(j) 
               '  MsgBox(tmpanswer2.ToString) 
               answer2 = answer2 + Hex(tmpanswer2) 
               tmpanswer2 = 0 
           Next i 
       End If


I think this will help when answering questions on MSDN forums about converting to binary without getting technical and off-topic for such a simple topic. People become confused when they are in stressful situation's. Binary reminds me of this scene from back to the future. 

I do not know if anyone is old enough to have seen it. When it hits someone they end up needing to understand it bad but in the end it works out.

Source code links

See Also

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